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Wednesday, April 1, 2015
CNS Managing Editor Is Weirdly Obsessed With Promoting Franklin Graham
Topic: managing editor Michael W. Chapman is quite the fanboy of right-wing evangelist Franklin Graham.

How much so? Since Jan. 1, Chapman has devoted a whopping 25 CNS articles and blog posts to Graham's musings, particularly has anti-Muslim and anti-Obama rantings. That's greater sycophancy that CNS devotes to Mark Levin, and CNS (along with its parent, the Media Research Center) has a business deal with Levin to promote each other that at least somewhat justifies the logrolling.

It also accounts for more than one-third of the 69 total articles Chapman has written since Jan. 1.

Here are how Chapman's fawning stenography of Graham stacks up:

Rev. Graham: Pence Attacked by LGBT & 'Liberal Media Who Don't Want Christians' Freedoms Protected'

Rev. Graham: ‘Don’t Shut Up!’ – ‘Homosexuality is Wrong’ & Abortion is ‘A Sin Against God, It’s Murder’

Rev. Graham: America 'Has Turned Its Back on God' -- 'When Nations Do This, Their End Is Near'

Rev. Graham: Biblical ‘End Times’ Predict ‘Distress of Nations,’ Which ‘Is Certainly the Case Today’

Rev. Graham: Obama, Holder Pushing a 'New Morality That Does Not Include God' -- 'An Anti-Christ Movement'

Rev. Graham: ‘We're Losing Our Country … The Foundations of This Country Are Collapsing'

Rev. Graham: Christians ‘Being Slaughtered by The Muslims' Who 'Are Emulating the Prophet'

Rev. Graham to Obama: ‘Wake Up to The Very Real Threat of Islam’!

Rev. Graham: 'Anti-Israel and Anti-Semitic' Muslims Influencing WH Against Netanyahu

Rev. Graham: ‘Washington Has Been Infiltrated by Muslims Who Are Advising the White House’

Rev. Graham: America is 'Morally Crumbling Within ... We Have Turned Our Back on God'

Rev. Graham: 'Muslim Terrorist' Al-Shabaab Threatens Malls, Will Obama Call Them 'Islamic Terrorists'?

Rev. Graham: ‘Mohammed is Dead and Buried…Christ is Alive,’ ‘Do you Want to Follow the Dead or the Living?’

Rev. Graham: Obama ‘Ignoring These Are Islamic Extremists' 'Bent on Destroying the West’ – ‘He’s Given a Pass to Islam’

Rev. Graham: Islamic State’s ‘Ultimate Agenda’ is to Hasten ‘A Final Apocalypse’

Rev. Graham: ‘Imagine the Outcry if 21 Muslims Had Been Beheaded by Christians? … The Storm is Coming’

Rev. Graham: ‘Muslim Immigrants’ Are ‘Importing Their Hatred of Jews and Christians’ into Europe

Rev. Graham to Obama: Unlike Christ, Mohammed ‘Killed Many Innocent People' - His 'True Followers' Emulate Him

Rev. Graham: ‘Who Says We Can’t Be in Politics? The Gays and Lesbians Are in Politics,’ ‘The Anti-God People Are'

Rev. Graham: Secularists Are ‘Anti-Christ’ and ‘They’ve Taken Control of Washington’

Rev. Graham: ‘Islam is Not a Peaceful Religion…They Butcher, They Behead People’

Rev. Graham:‘This Country Was Built on Christian Principles' Not Islam

Rev. Graham: ‘Islam Is Not a Religion of Peace … It Is a Violent Form of Faith’

Rev. Graham: End the Muslim Call to Prayer Policy at Duke University

Franklin Graham: America's ‘Culture of Death’ Stems From a 'Sinful, Godless Worldview That Rejects Christ’

You'd think the managing editor of a website would have better things to do than obsessively clipping a right-wing evangelist -- and a Protestant one at that, presumably much to the chagrin of his uber-Catholic bosses such as Brent Bozell and Terry Jeffrey -- but apparently his job doesn't keep him busy enough.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:38 AM EDT

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