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Wednesday, October 8, 2014
WND's Unruh Censors Full Story Of 'Transgendered Killer'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Anti-gay reporter Bob Unruh used his powers of selective reporting once again in an Oct. 1 WorldNetDaily article:

Students across America whose schools take part in “LGBT History Month” soon will be hearing praise for a transgendered killer who recently got out of prison.

According to a website promoting the observance, the personality spotlighted for Oct. 25 is CeCe McDonald, who was accused of second-degree murder and accepted a plea bargain of second-degree manslaughter after fatally stabbing a man with scissors.

McDonald is presented in LGBT History Month as a “prison reformer” who brought attention to the plight of transgender inmates.

“It is almost unbelievable who these activists think should be held up as role models,” said Brad Dacus, the president of Pacific Justice Institute, which issued a statement on the controversy.

Attorneys at the organization are calling on parents to pay attention to their public schools throughout October to see what is being taught as part of LGBT History Month.

“Every year, this celebration gets more disturbing and bizarre, but telling kids that a killer is a hero represents a new low,” Dacus said.

Unruh completely omitted the circumstances of the crime to which McDonald pleaded guilty.

As Rolling Stone details, McDonald was being taunted by a gang of bikers, one of whom threw a glass tumbler at McDonald, smashing her in the face. Another member of the biker gang, who was under the influence of cocaine and meth, charged at McDonald, who stabbed the biker in self-defense.

Those are details that belie Unruh's simplistic description of McDonald as a "transgendered killer." But because he is such an outrageously biased reporter, Unruh didn't think you needed to know all the facts.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:15 PM EDT

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