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Saturday, December 22, 2012
MRC's Graham Thinks Wash. Post Just Invented 'Saturday Night Massacre' Term
Topic: NewsBusters

Tim Graham spends a Dec. 20 NewsBusters post having a hissy fit over the Washington Post's story on the death of right-wing jurist Robert Bork noting his key role in President Nixon's "Saturday Night Massacre" firing of special prosecutor Archibald Cox:

In the immediate aftermath of a real massacre, couldn't the Post back off its ancient ideological hissy fits and acknowledge that firing a special prosecutor -- and the resignation of several officials who didn't want to do the firing -- is not comparable to Adam Lanza mowing down first-graders? Could there be a one-week grace period on overheated Watergate metaphors? Apparently not. When liberal justices die, do they discuss the actual "massacre" of American abortion they legalized?

Is Graham really not aware that the Post did not just invent the term "Saturday Night Massacre" to describe Bork's actions? That it has been called such since shortly after the incident in 1973? It's even in the Encyclopedia Brittanica, for Pete's sake.

The Post was not making a comparison, they were calling it what is has always been called. Is Graham really that stupid, or is he just so desperate to find sometyhing to attack that he felt he had to do this?

Posted by Terry K. at 5:36 PM EST

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