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Friday, December 7, 2012
WND's Robert Ringer Has Issues With Women
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Robert Ringer doesn't like women, apparently.

In a Dec. 5 WorldNetDaily column in which he purports to be in "Andy Rooney" mode, Ringer unleashes a hateful tirade against hose who appear on Forbes magazine's list of the World’s 100 Most Powerful Women, and one who's not:

No. 2: Hillary (“Hilla the Hun”) Clinton. Hillary is the ultimate fraud. She’s an accomplished liar, a thief and an embarrassment as secretary of state. The only solace we can take is that she and Bubba genuinely believe that Obama is going to support her bid for the presidency in 2016 as a payback for their supporting his candidacy in 2012. Instead, what they’ll get is his middle finger.

No. 7: Michelle (Big Mac and Fries) Obama. You don’t need any input from me on this one. Best not to go there.

No. 14: Lady Gaga. I have never heard this decadent humanoid sing and wouldn’t know her face if I saw her on the street. But, please America …

No. 32: Beyonce. Brilliant, thoughtful, intellectual – a bold, fresh piece of … well, you know what I mean.

Hard as it is to believe, the princess of frumpiness, Sandra Fluke, didn’t make the Forbes list. Even so, she’s on course (as in intercourse) to be the first recipient of the Nobel Contraceptive Piece Prize. Rest assured that once this caricature of every man’s worst fear about his upcoming blind date gets her masters in contraception, she will be a force to be reckoned with.

That's followed up with this:

Last night I had a nightmare about being held captive by terrorists in a 10-by-10 room with no windows, and my captors told me they were going to throw one of four things into the room with me, to be left there until I died: 1) Rachel Maddow, 2) Hilla the Hun, 3) Frumpy Fluke, or 4) a cup of hemlock.

Then, in a show of mercy, they said they would allow me to choose which one I preferred. It was an easy decision. As I drank the poisonous hemlock, I woke up in a cold sweat thinking about what my fate might have been had I made a different choice.

Yep, the man's got issues with women.

Ringer is not the only WND columnist with that affliction; Vox Day has major issues as well.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:21 AM EST
Updated: Friday, December 7, 2012 1:12 PM EST

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