Topic: Media Research Center
Paul Wilson rants in a Nov. 30 article at the Media Research Center's Culture and Media Institute, under the headline "Gay Mafia Objects to Reparative Therapy Proponent on Dr. Oz Show":
How slanted is media coverage for the gay agenda? Enough that one show’s decision to include a proponent of reparative therapy in a segment on the subject of reparative therapy provoked backlash from the gay community.
The subject of Wilson's post was that "gay activists" were criticizing Dr. Oz for including a proponent of "reparative therapy" -- the so-called therapy to try and turn gays straight that's a favorite orright-wing activists like Wilson -- during a discussion of the subject on his TV show.
Wilson then complained that Oz "sided with the gay community on the issue of reparative therapy." Well, no -- as Wilson quotes him saying, Oz sided with the "established medical consensus" that it doesn't work and has the potential to do harm. Wilson concludes by whining:
The only acceptable opinions on gay issues appear to be those of the gay community – as GLAAD director Herndon Graddick wrote: “The issue is not one that can be discussed as though both sides are equally valid.” Most of the media has fallen into lockstep with this view that the only acceptable side is the gay side. Those like Dr. Oz who dare to include contrary views are attacked for allowing any view contrary to the gay agenda.
So sound medical practice is part of the "gay agenda" and enforced by the "gay mafia"? At no point does Wilson concede that reparative therapy is destructive, and he even uncritically presents the self-description of the National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) as "a professional, scientific organization that offers hope to those who struggle with unwanted homosexuality." In fact, NARTH has been widely criticized for peddling discredited anti-gay "junk science."
Wilson, meanwhile, is willing to disregard sound medical practice in order to peddle his anti-gay agenda.