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Thursday, November 29, 2012
AIM's Kincaid Baselessly Blames Soros For Romney Loss
Topic: Accuracy in Media

Cliff Kincaid's Nov. 26 Accuracy in Media column is headlined "Where the Conservative Media Went Wrong," despite the fact that he doesn't really answer the question. Instead, he complains that Mitt Romney wasn't conservative enough -- or, more to the point, that he didn't hate gays enough. The closest Kincaid gets to answering his headline question is noting that the election "was a disaster in the making that many prominent conservatives in the media did not see coming. Some still do not want to grasp the magnitude of the defeat."

In other words: Conservatives bought their own BS and put defeating Obama at all costs -- a mindset AIM completely bought into with its silly anti-Obama "Day of Truth" featuring people not known for telling it -- ahead of putting up a candidate that could win. Why doesn't Kincaid say that? We have no idea; perhaps he's unwilling to admit his own role in a conservative media that went wrong.

Kincaid also complains:

Bombarded with messages from the Obama campaign and the Soros-funded propaganda machine, including the Super PACs he funded, voters found Romney’s private sector experience on Wall Street and wealth more objectionable than Obama’s record as a Marxist president. 

Just one problem with that: George Soros didn't spend all that much money on the 2012 election, compared with certain right-wing billionaires.

As Business Insider pointed out in late September:

So far in 2012, his single largest contribution has been $1 million to American Bridge 21st Century PAC, a Super PAC run by Media Matters founder David Brock, which primarily focuses on opposition research. According to a review of data from the Center for Responsive Politics, Soros' contribution comprises about 12% of the organization's contributions. He also gave $1 million to America Votes, which does not endorse candidates.

Besides that, Soros gave $175,000 to House Majority PAC and $100,000 to Majority PAC. He's also given $55,500 to various individual campaigns and PACs.

That's way down from his donations in 2004, and way lower than the $36.5 million commitment made by Casino Magnate Sheldon Adelson and his family so far, and other Republicans trying to unseat the President.

But blaming Soros is apparently some kind of knee-jerk reflexive action on Kincaid's part, no matter how false it is.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:35 AM EST

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