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Monday, November 26, 2012
Noel Sheppard -- Who Called Michael Moore 'Corpulent' -- Complains People Are Making Fun of Christie's Weight
Topic: NewsBusters

Apparently, only Noel Sheppard is allowed to make fun of people's weight.

Sheppard complains in a Nov. 24 NewsBusters post that "liberal commentator" Mark Shields "took a cheap shot" about New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's weight, harrumphing that "the larger point is how comfortable media members are at making such jokes about Christie.  Would they be doing so if he were a Democrat, a woman, or a minority?"

You can tell that Sheppard's outrage about this is utterly manufactured, because he takes cheap shots at Shields' weight, calling him a "portly PBSer," "a guy with more jowls than a Basset hound," and "hardly the poster boy for health and fitness in this country."

And as we've previously noted, Sheppard has previously taken cheap shots at Michael Moore's weight calling him "rather corpulent" and claiming that "this portly schlockumentarian has never met a cheeseburger he'd say no to."

But then, double standards are a long NewsBusters tradition.

Posted by Terry K. at 7:32 PM EST

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