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Wednesday, November 21, 2012
MRC Falsely Ties Soros to Walmart Strike
Topic: Media Research Center

Writing about a planned strike by Walmart employees on Black Friday, a Nov. 21 MRC Business & Media Institute item by Mike Ciandella states that "according to The Daily Caller, the activist group, which is funded by left-wing billionaire George Soros may help boost their numbers. MoveOn e-mailed subscribers to encourage them to join the protestors on Black Friday."

But the Daily Caller article that Ciandella cites has issued a correction:

An earlier version of this story connected the liberal financier George Soros with Soros was a major contributor to one of MoveOn’s political organizations more than six years ago, but does not appear connected to its current Wal-Mart protests.

Will Ciandella issue a correction as well? Don't count on it.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:41 PM EST

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