Topic: WorldNetDaily
One of WorldNetDaily's longtime money-making schemes is charging its readers to send letters on their behalf, so it's no surprise that WND editor Joseph Farah would peddle the idea that the way to react to President Obama's re-election is to send him more money.
In his Nov. 9 column, Farah declared he had an "answer" to Obama's re-election -- the revival of his "No More Red Ink" campaign, in which you pay WND $29.99 (Farah benignly describes that "investing less than $30") for the privilege of "sending individually addressed letters in red ink to all 241 Republicans in the House by guaranteed Fed Ex delivery" telling them not to raise the federal debt limit. Farah does his best to sell it: "Let’s just say it’s a bargain at that price. Try to imagine what it would cost you to send 240 individual letters to Republican House members if you did it yourself. We do all the work and guarantee the delivery."
Farah provides no evidence that spamming members of Congress with letters accomplishes anything.
In his Nov. 11 column, Farah makes dubious accusations that the election was stolen, citing as one piece of evidence Aaron Klein's identity fraud stunt. But this eventually turns into a fund-raising pitch:
I’m challenging the Obama campaign on the acceptance of those illegal donations. I’ve filed a Federal Elections Commission complaint at considerable cost. I have no illusions that it will be easy to challenge a sitting president within his own bureaucracy. But I’m doing it. Meanwhile, some in the press would prefer that I be charged with voter fraud for efforts to expose the system. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if the Democrat machine tries something like that.
That’s why we need your help.
We’re fighting to preserve America’s freedom here – nothing less.
We’re fighting to preserve the concept of representative government – elections that actually mean something.
We’re fighting to expose what no other news agency in the world apparently has an interest in exposing – the dark underbelly of corruption, fraud and abuse in our political system.
Can you help?
The column includes numerous links to a page at the WND store for WND's "2012 Voter Fraud Challenge," in which it is noted that "WND filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission charging the Obama campaign with knowingly accepting foreign contributions without even a modicum of scrutiny," based on Klein's little identity fraud stunt. The page helpfully suggests that it will accept donations of up to $5,000.
One has to wonder if Farah is simply ginning up anti-Obama hatred just so he can try to make a buck on it.