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Monday, November 12, 2012
AIM's Kincaid Ignores His Own Role In Bad Conservative Media
Topic: Accuracy in Media

The re-election of President Obama prompted some soul-searching on the part of Accuracy in Media's Cliff Kincaid -- though, sadly, not enough.

In a Nov. 7 column, Kincaid noted how "prominent conservative news personalities made major miscalculations about where the election was heading and the nature of the two candidates and their campaigns,' and took Fox News to task since "the personalities on Fox News were wildly off the mark in their predictions for the election."

Kincaid followed up with a Nov. 9 column in which he noted: "Conservative use of flawed polling data has played into the hands of the liberal media. In order to recapture credibility in covering politics, the conservative media will have to acknowledge not only the bias on the other side, but the bias on their own."

But Kincaid has yet to acknowledge his own role in advancing conservative misinformation. As we pointed out, Kincaid laughably claimed on Nov. 1 that anti-Obama filmmaker Joel Gilbert "has nothing to hide" -- even as he refused to divulge who was funding the mass mailing of his film "Dreams From My Real Father" to households in swing states.Kincaid also ignored the fact that Gilbert's film has been discredited by Loren Collins, who has detailed Gilbert's falsehoods and deceptions.

If Kincaid can't admit his own failings and deceptions, it's not really that much of a mea culpa.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:38 PM EST

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