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Monday, November 12, 2012
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Supersize WorldNetDaily Post-Election Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

It is time for Americans to dig deep and prepare for the worst. During his first term, Obama enacted, or made overtures toward enacting, everything I anticipated he would. I expect that the economy will continue to deteriorate, as will our standing in the international community. Islamists here and abroad will become bolder, and efforts to stultify this domestically will be met with accusations of racism and intolerance, and occasionally, resistance and prosecution under civil-rights statutes.

Our liberties under the First and Second Amendments in particular will be directly and vigorously attacked under this administration. Illegal immigration will soar, and violence along the southern border will continue to escalate. Energy prices will “necessarily skyrocket” as Obama openly pronounced was his desire. This will include fossil fuels (gasoline), which will translate into skyrocketing prices for everything one can imagine, including food. Should any of this lead to civil unrest, so much the better, as it will give Obama the chance to shore up and perhaps even test his nascent totalitarian infrastructure.


WND founder Joseph Farah and radio host Glenn Beck both had a somewhat Old Testament take on the outcome of this election, something I am also inclined to do. In that book, there are many examples wherein the whole of Israel had to suffer because a preponderance of Israelites insisted upon embracing ungodly things – or ungodly kings.

-- Erik Rush, Nov. 7 WorldNetDaily column

They are mindless. They are ravenous. They are innumerable. They shamble in great hordes, always a mob, moving ever in lock step with those to either side and ahead of them. They cannot be reasoned with. They cannot be bargained with. They hear nothing but their own moans and the screams of their victims. Left to their own devices, they will overwhelm any space they occupy, consuming their own population, ripping apart social and civil convention, until nothing remains but a horde of rotting corpses – idiot creatures who have no idea what they are or how they have come to this pass, decaying imbeciles who cannot comprehend the destruction they have wrought.

They are Democrats.


When illiterate cretins bark proudly about “Obamaphones,” when fools ignorant of economics actually believe socialized medicine is “free health care,” when the open-borders crowd looks the other way while English becomes a minority language and illegal aliens swamp the welfare rolls while swelling the prisons, we’ve already reached that point. Half of all Americans actually wanted four more years of Barack Hussein Obama. The margin wasn’t even thin. When a president this bad, in an economy this bad, surrounded by scandals this bad, is easily re-elected, the republic is lost.

Romney’s “47 percent” is really 50 percent. Half of your fellow citizens are zombies. They are mindless. They are hungry. They are a threat to you. They will keep voting to take your freedom and give themselves “free” stuff until they kill us all.

-- Phil Elmore, Nov. 7 WND column

It is morning in Amerika, and the majority of people who voted to re-elect Barack Obama president don’t even know it. Everything appears to be normal, but everything has changed. The United States will not be the same.

I have never felt that all was lost after a single election as I do today. 

-- Jane Chastain, Nov. 7 WND column

So, in addition to my question about why the Duplicitous Despot directed Susan Rice to appear on five major television shows and say that the Benghazi attack was nothing more than a spontaneous demonstration that resulted from a video, I have another question: Why isn’t anyone – say, for example, Republican House and Senate members! – talking about criminally indicting Barack Obama? Or, at a minimum, starting impeachment proceedings against America’s make-believe president?

-- Robert Ringer, Nov. 7 WND column

Cultural institution after cultural institution fell to the so-called, misnamed “progressives.” (They should really be called “retrogressives,” because they are not moving people forward as America’s founders did. They are move them backward – toward state power. They are not removing the shackles from the people and placing them on the government as the founders did. They are putting government’s shackles back on the people.)

Today, with the unthinkable, unimaginable re-election of Barack Obama, the revolution is nearly complete.

-- Joseph Farah, Nov. 8 WND column

America has forsaken her first love. She has finally, and fully, given herself over to a licentious Lothario with whom she has increasingly flirted since her youth. He is sin – and, notwithstanding full knowledge of who he is and what he intends, with him she has lain.

America has tasted the poisonous fruits of lust, pride, passion, and envy – sloth, frivolity, iniquity and entitlement. She has tasted of their sweet deception and found it irresistible. She has danced in the streets, intoxicated by the very poison that will be her undoing.

America has rebelled against God. She has shaken her fist at Him and arrogantly cried, “We don’t need you. We don’t want you. We know better than you. Now go away.”

And so He’s going away.

-- Matt Barber, Nov. 9 WND column

Well, America went to the polls. At least 120 million or so of us did.

Over 56 million voted one way, for one direction, for one set of principles – and some 58 million voted for an entirely different set. And so the larger group takes all of us, the whole of America, in their chosen direction.

Without going into all the specifics, the lesser number voted for fiscal responsibility, limited government, respect for the Constitution and law itself, proven experience in management and success in financial matters, and adherence to time-honored, biblical values. For strong military defense, commitment to Israel and traditional families. Dull stuff like that.


Friend, our people have rejected the very same God and His way, and clamored after a king who has promised to provide, protect and lead them into a Promised Land where “everybody has everything.” So that same God must take His hand off those who have rejected Him and allow them to reap the consequences.

It’s not going to be fun.

-- Pat Boone, Nov. 9 WND column

Many times in the history of the world, God has destroyed His people and started anew when they strayed from His word. Just ask Noah what the flood was all about! This time, even with the floods of Hurricane Sandy and the re-election of the President Barack Hussein Obama, God has spared us for the moment. Instead God has sent a dire warning and encouraged We the People to rise up, in His name, to restore His kingdom.

Had Mitt Romney been elected president, many among the flock would have been lulled asleep and deluded into thinking that a Moses had appeared to deliver us out of the Egyptian-like bondage we find ourselves in – thanks to our “Mullah in Chief” and his growing voter hoards of socialists, communists, anti-Semites, anti-Christians, atheists, radical gays and lesbians, feminists, illegal immigrants, Muslims, anti-Anglo whites and others who last Tuesday cemented his destructive hold on the White House and our country.


This is why we need to use peaceful and powerful means to fight against the evils of our corrupt government. One of these avenues is the Citizens Grand Jury, which I, as a Citizens Prosecutor, have empaneled in Ocala, Fla. On Oct, 29, 2012, the Citizens Grand Jury, after having evidence presented to it, voted unanimously on a true bill to indict President Obama and Vice President Biden on charges of treason for their having intentionally leaked classified national security information to boost their political fortunes in the Nov. 6 elections. This month, I will be returning to Ocala to seek the indictment of Obama for his having defrauded the American people with regard to his eligibility to be president. And, after that the Citizens Grand Jury will set its sights on Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Elena Kagan for Roberts having violated his oath of office in rendering a willfully illegal ruling in the case upholding the constitutionality of Obamacare and not disqualifying Kagan, given her conflict of interest. Kagan will be indicted for violating her oath of office and refusing to recuse herself from the case as required by the Judicial Canons of Ethics.

-- Larry Klayman, Nov. 9 WND column

So why does it feel as if something important has changed as a result of the recent presidential election? Why is there a sense of significant and lasting change for the worse in the political wind due to the re-election of Barack Obama?

The reason is that the re-election of Obama – combined with the manner in which it occurred – has finally extinguished the last embers of hope in the hearts of millions of true Americans. Even many of those who refused to vote for Romney on principle because of his proven liberal track record nevertheless saw him as operating within the limits of traditional American political ideology. They might have seen him as a potentially disastrous president, and been skeptical that he would even begin to address the cataclysmic problems facing the nation, but they saw him as someone who was genuinely concerned about the fate of the United States and the American population within it.

Americans don’t despair now because the president is a Democrat or because blacks disproportionately supported him. That was equally true when Clinton ran for office. The reason they are reeling with shock and horror is that they have finally come to understand that the melting pot is a myth, that the grand story of immigration they swallowed as children is a monstrous falsehood, and that there are now two very different nations living within the boundaries of what they had previously believed was a single country.

The uncomfortable fact of the matter is that post-1965 immigrants are not, and never will be, Americans in the constitutional or revolutionary sense. It doesn’t matter if they are Catholic mestizos, Christian Asians or Muslim Arabs. It is not a matter of religion or race, but rather of centuries-old cultural traditions in which a dominant central government is considered a basic fact of life and a potential resource to be exploited, not a dangerous servant best viewed with suspicion and kept under constant restraint. This can be seen in the 2012 exit polls: Asians voted 73 percent for Obama’s big government message, Hispanics 71 percent, Muslims 85 percent and blacks 96 percent.


The 2012 presidential election was not significant because it signaled the end of America. That was already readily apparent eight years ago. But it was significant because it made it clear to everyone how, when and why constitutional America met its end.

-- Vox Day, Nov. 11 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 1:52 AM EST

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