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Friday, November 9, 2012
Joel Richardson's 'Christian Response' To Obama's Re-Election: Hate
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Joel Richardson's Nov. 8 WorldNetDaily column is headlined "A Christian response to Obama victory," but it quickly degenerates into to some very un-Christian hate-spewing and name-calling:

In the afterglow of Obama’s victory, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Ayatollah Khamenei, Vladimir Putin and Chris Matthews, as well as millions of pot-heads, sodomites, pro-aborts and all common moochers, are sharing a collective thrill. The American people by a clear majority have rejected fiscal responsibility, energy independence, national security, border security, traditional family values, and worst of all, standing with the most defenseless and innocent among us. Barack Obama’s re-election is a complete political, economic, moral, social and spiritual catastrophe.

Is such hate a "Christian response" as Richardson would have us believe? Unlikely, except in the eyes of the other obsessively anti-Obama self-proclaimed Christians at WND.

Richardson goes on to encourage his readers to take the long view and "shift our eyes to the heavenly city, to the country that God is preparing for us," where "the judgment of the many unrighteous, self-serving and corrupt politicians throughout the whole earth" awaits:

For now, my country is governed by a man many of us feel is a truly unrighteous individual, a race-baiter, a divider, a liar, a destroyer. And while I would not suppose to truly know anyone’s heart, I do take great comfort in the fact that there is one who knows the hearts of all people and who has promised a day of justice for all of the earth. So while I will continue to stand and fight for this great nation, even believing that there is yet hope for repentance, revival and restoration, as I watch this beautiful country slip away and devolve into something almost unrecognizable, I take great comfort in knowing that a heavenly country lies ahead. I have been promised a kingdom, and it is on this kingdom the eyes of my heart are fixed. And even more than the coming kingdom, my eyes of hope are fixed entirely on the coming King. And for this reason, the present man in office will never have control over my emotions and will do nothing to steal my joy.

If Obama didn't control Richardson's emotions, why did he spend an entire column spewing Obama-hate?

Posted by Terry K. at 2:26 PM EST
Updated: Friday, November 9, 2012 2:48 PM EST

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