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Thursday, November 8, 2012
WND Gloats That Corsi Was On Romney Press Plane
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily couldn't be happier that Jerome Corsi finagled a spot on Mitt Romney's press plane. From a Nov. 6 WND article:

It hardly went unnoticed by the jealous and zealous monolithic media when WND senior staff writer and multiple No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Jerome Corsi began traveling with the Mitt Romney campaign weeks ago.

Various news agencies questioned Corsi and WND why he was on the press plane.

His answer was simple: “I’m a journalist covering a presidential candidate. Where else should I be?”

If only these press gatekeepers were aware of what happened yesterday – when Romney’s inner circle invited Corsi to abandon the press plane and travel with the Romney plane!

Corsi, who had planned to spend a week or two on the campaign trail, ended up staying much longer – capping it off with a stay tonight in Boston for the planned election victory night celebration.

Corsi, of course, is not a journalist -- he's a right-wing activist who has spent the past four-plus dedicating his life to the personal destruction of Barack Obama. If Corsi was a real journalist, wouldn't he have reported by now that his birther conspiracies have been discredited?

Ultimately, this reflects much worse on the Romney campaign than it does WND. After all, WND is a known entity as a rabid Obama-hater that's much more bias than the "mainstream media" could ever dream of being. As a result of that, as well as its insistence on reporting conspiracies and falsehoods, nobody believes WND.

Romney's campaign should have known that it was allowing a journalist whose credibility is on par with the Weekly World News not only on the press plane but, if WND is to be believed, giving him a promotion to the candidate's own plane. That it did not, or didn't care, is somehing the Romney campaign should explain.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:49 PM EST

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