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Thursday, November 1, 2012
Discredited Joel Gilbert Now Claims He Was Hacked (No Evidence, Of Course)
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily has been serving as the press agent for anti-Obama filmmaker Joel Gilbert, repeating every ranting he makes even as "Dreams From My Real Father" -- which he is using mysterious funds to mail to voters in swing states -- becomes increasingly discredited.

WND serves as Gilbert's PR agent again in an Oct. 29 article by Drew Zahn, in which Gilbert claims that "a journalist has been investigating the movie using information that could only have been obtained by hacking into his company’s bank account." Gilbert claims Seth Rosenfeld, who is "listed as a correspondent with the Center for Investigative Reporting, an organization funded in part by left-wing activist and billionaire George Soros."

Zahn uncritically repeats Gilbert's claims, demonstrating no evidence that he made any effort whatsover to verify them -- indeed, Gilbert is the only person quoted in Zahn's article. Zahn waits until the 16th paragraph of his article to note, "WND contacted Rosenfeld for comment, but received no reply." Of course, there's no proof of that, either: Zahn's article is largely cribbed from a Gilbert press release.

Meanwhile, Gilbert himself provides no evidence that any of the things he says happened did, in fact, happen. Given Gilbert's track record of promoting discredited claims, there's no reason for anyone to take what he's saying here at face value. Zahn, however, is being paid by WND to do exactly that.

Of course, if Gilbert has nothing to hide, he should be forthcoming about where his money is coming from to fund the mass distribution of a discredited piece of propaganda.

Zahn writes that Gilbert "anticipated legitimate critical examination of the film," ignoring the fact that Gilbert has refused to respond in any substantive way to a legitimate critical examination in the form of Loren Collins' debunking of the film's claims and of Gilbert's credibility as a filmmaker. We have found no evidence that Gilbert has ever directly address Collin's deconstruction; all he has done so far is obliquely denounce a "liberal blogger" (Collins is actually a libertarian) for making a "factually flawed attack on the film."

If Gilbert is so certain about his research as presented in his film, why won't he rebut Collins directly? What is he afraid of?

And what is WND afraid of that it keeps protecting Gilbert and lets him hide behind his veil of lies?

Posted by Terry K. at 1:22 PM EDT

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