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Friday, October 5, 2012
WND Follows Our Lead on Savage's Replacement
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Weirdly, we seem to be driving WorldNetDaily's "news" coverage of late.

As we've noted, the posting of our article on Jerome Corsi's bottom-feeding at Huffington Post  appears to have inspired WND to post Corsi's latest sleazy attack on President Obama. Now, our blog post on WND having taken sides with Michael Savage against his former syndicator and longtime WND collaborator Talk Radio Network appears to have brought a response.

Some hours after our blog post went live, a WND article went up noting exactly what we had -- that TRN replaced Savage's radio slot with Jerry Doyle. WND didn't mention any of TRN's veiled attacks on Savage in its announcement of Doyle, such as its portrayal of Doyle as a program local affiliates "can sell locally with pride" and that "Jerry shows up 5 days a week, 3 full hours a day because his work ethic is second to none."

The WND article, however, went on to promote his inaugural Internet-only talk while he negotiates a new radio contract, which is "available through his website." The article didn't mention that WND hosts Savage's website.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:09 AM EDT

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