Topic: Newsmax
How far in the tank is Newsmax's Ronald Kessler for Mitt Romney? He's now making outlandish predictions about how big Romney will win.
Kessler's Sept. 4 column carries the headline "Why Mitt Romney Will Win Decisively." He kicks things off with his usual Obama-bashing:
In the last presidential election, the press hoodwinked Americans into thinking Barack Obama was the messiah.
The press never reported that Obama had no significant achievements. As a community organizer, his only success was removing some of the asbestos from one Chicago apartment project.
After whining yet again about Rev. Wright, Kessler cranks up his Romney-fluffing jets:
Polls cannot measure how many will actually show up to vote for one candidate or the other. Now that Paul Ryan has been added to the Romney ticket, conservatives are fired up. The crowds of students supporting Obama on college campuses are now nowhere to be seen. Blacks who have borne the brunt of Obama’s dismal employment record are far less enthusiastic about him than they once were. Independents who favored Obama now support Romney.
For months before he was elected, Ronald Reagan was behind Jimmy Carter by double digits in the polls. In the end, Reagan won by 10 percentage points.
Romney and the Republican National Committee have more money than Obama. They are starting to flood the country with ads that portray Obama’s failure and replay his comment that businessmen are not responsible for their own success.
The ads portray Romney as the decent man he is: With the exception of some in the press, almost everyone at the GOP convention in Tampa teared up as they heard from members of his church recounting how Romney took the time to visit and comfort their dying kids.
Kessler concludes: "I have faith in the American people and their ability this time to see Obama for what he reveals himself in his own memoirs to be: a pitchman. My prediction is that Romney will win by 10 to 12 percentage points."
Kessler might want to tone down the fluffing a bit.