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Thursday, October 22, 2009
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily

As big media well knows, Obama's records have been "sealed" for a reason. Otherwise, they would be filing freedom of information requests, fighting the blackouts in court, doing front-page news updates on a daily basis and endlessly editorializing over their efforts.

Instead, they've taken to ridiculing those asking for the evidence the Constitution demands of anyone assuming the presidency. When Obama's student records finally show up listing him as a foreign citizen applying for college, the ruse is over. The laws he signed – including those funding programs and authorizing borrowing – are not worth the paper or electrons they're printed on. It's going to be quite a show. But then, who knew?

-- Craige McMillan, Oct. 22 WorldNetDaily column

Posted by Terry K. at 12:32 PM EDT
CNS Baselessly Tosses Out 'Amnesty' Attack
Topic: has frequently labeled supporters of comprehensive immigration reform as supporting "amnesty" without bothering to explain what that means. CNS has now taken that a step farther by tossing around the amnesty label without even bothering to link it to immigration reform.

An Oct. 21 CNS article by Penny Starr asserted that "Liberal, pro-amnesty advocates" oppose a Republican proposal to "ask all individuals whether they are citizens or lawful residents of the United States" and exclude illegal immigrants from being counted for purposes of congressional reapportionment.

While Starr lists several groups as being opposed to the amendment, at no point does she establish that the groups are "pro-amnesty" -- let alone liberal. Indeed, there's no mention of immigration reform, the usual conservative euphemism for "amnesty," anywhere in Starr's article.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:15 AM EDT
Meanwhile ...
Topic: NewsBusters

Simon Maloy at Media Matters does a fine job of demolishing Tim Graham's insistence in an Oct. 21 NewsBusters post that a Washington Post poll showing majority support for a public option is biased or otherwise "stuffing its poll sample" because more respondents identified themselves as Democrats than Republicans. Graham, it seems, is unaware of the concept of random sampling, or the recent documented decline in people identifying themselves as Republicans.

Indeed, the poll's Repubican/Demmocrat split is not out of line with contemporaneus polling based on random sampling.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:22 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, October 22, 2009 1:25 AM EDT
Dick Morris' Mysterious Polling Firm
Topic: Newsmax

In his Oct. 19 Newsmax column, Dick Morris proclaimed that a "national survey conducted for the League of American Voters by the Global Marketing Research Center during last week shows that 46 percent of those who watch Fox News 'just about every day' are Democrats or independents as are 50 percent of those who watch it 'several times each week' or more."

Morris' numbers are dubious at best, falling well outside of what most other polls have found about Fox News viewers -- namely, that they skew heavily Republican. But what's more interesting is the polling firm Morris cites.

The Global Marketing Research Center has no website of its own that we could find, and Google comes up with nothing -- indeed, the only references to this firm come from websites referencing Morris' study.

Further, neither the League of American Voters nor Newsmax have posted the full poll results, including the questions asked, so it's impossible to tell just how legitimate Morris' little poll is.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:04 AM EDT
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Corsi's Grand Unification Obama Theory
Topic: WorldNetDaily

We've noted Aaron Klein's attempt to develop a grand unification theory of purported Obama scandals. Now fellow WorldNetDaily writer Jerome Corsi is developing his own as well. From Corsi's Oct. 20 WND article:

Attacking Fox News and defending President Obama is a family affair for Anita Dunn, the White House communications director who has blasted Fox as an arm of the Republican Party and talked about "controlling" the news media.

She's married to Robert Bauer, the chief of the political law group at Perkins Coie, the Seattle law firm hired by the White House to defend Obama in court cases challenging his "natural born" citizenship status and thus, his eligibility under the U.S. Constitution to be president.

Yes, they're that desperate over at WND. Remember, WND and Joseph Farah ran this same playbook against Bill Clinton.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:23 PM EDT
Newsmax's Kerik Rehabilitation Hits A Roadblock
Topic: Newsmax

This could put a slight hitch in Newsmax's Bernard Kerik rehabilitation project:

Bernard Kerik became the first NYPD commissioner to land in jail Tuesday after a judge revoked his bail for trying to taint the jury pool in his upcoming corruption trial.

Newsmax has run a wire article on the development, but thus far no slobbering,whitewash defense of Kerik, as Newsmax is prone to do.

At the very least, Kerik will become the latest idle columnist at Newsmax. Longtime writer John L. Perry hasn't published a thing since Newsmax was forced to yank his column advocating a military coup against President Obama.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:10 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 12:12 PM EDT
Klein Attacks J Street Again
Topic: WorldNetDaily

An Oct. 19 WorldNetDaily article by Aaron Klein is another attack on the Jewish lobbying group J Street, whom Klein claims is "accused of working against the Jewish state."

It's at least a slightly less antagonistic description of J Street than his previous outing, in which he called it "a far-leftist Mideast activist organization."

Klein seems to have lifted much of his "research" on J Street from right-wing blogs such as Powerline and Hot Air, neither of which he identifies as right-wing -- even though he makes sure to point out that J Street "mostly is led by left-leaning Israelis." Klein also complains that "far-leftist Israelis are influential in the J Street leadership," offering as an example former Knesset Speaker Avrum Burg. Interestingly, Burg was injured in a 1983 grenade attack that killed Israeli peace activist Emil Grunzweig. The attacker, Yona Avrushmi, has been described as a right-wing activist. (And we know how Klein loves his violent right-wing activists.)

At no point does Klein explain why Burg is defined as "far-leftist" beyond having once stated that "to define the State of Israel as a Jewish state is the key to its end."

Also, at no point does Klein indicated that he contacted J Street to give it an opportunity to respond to the attacks he published. As a poor substitution, he quotes from a J Street "e-mail to supporters blaming 'neoconservatives and their Swift Boat tactics'" for causing some members of Congress to drop out of attending an upcoming dinner.

Of course, with this unfair, unbalanced attack, that's exactly what Klein is doing.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:28 AM EDT
CNS' NFL-Dumping 'Major Auto Dealer' Not So Major

An Oct. 20 article by Matt Cover tells the story of Mark Muller, a "major auto dealer" in Kansas City who has decided he will never attend another NFL game -- he claims to be "a Kansas City Chiefs season ticket holder since the 1980s" -- "because the league did not stand up for Limbaugh when Limbaugh's recent  attempt to purchase part of the St. Louis Rams’ franchise came under fire from critics." But Muller is not quite the "major auto dealer" Cover depicts him as -- and he's not actually in Kansas City, either.

Muller's dealership, Max Motors, is based in Butler, Missouri -- 60 miles away from Kansas City. He may be a "major auto dealer," but only compared to other dealers in and near Butler (population 4,209). Max Motors has an outlet in Harrisonville, Mo., which is a mere 30 miles away from KC.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:16 AM EDT
New Article: James Walsh's Immigrant Problem
Topic: Newsmax
The Newsmax columnist has a severe animosity toward immigrants, legal and otherwise. He also likes to make up false claims about Democrats. Read more >>

Posted by Terry K. at 1:35 AM EDT
Janet Porter, Useful Idiot
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Janet Porter can usually be counted on to regurgitate the right-wing anti-Obama line, and she doesn't disappoint in her Oct. 20 WorldNetDaily column, mindlessly repeating demonstrably false attacks.

She starts off by declaring the Obama administration to be "downright evil" -- and lying about Anita Dunn, asserting that Dunn "says Mao Zedong as one of the two people she turns to most." In fact, Dunn saiud that Mao and Mother Teresa are "the two people that I turn to most to basically deliver a simple point, which is, you're going to make choices."

Porter also claims that Dunn "told the Dominican government that she and the Obama campaign 'absolutely control[ed]' the media. They control what's reported and how." Another falsehood; as we detailed, Dunn was talking about the campaign managing media coverage of Obama, which every major political campaign attempts to do.

Porter writes of the Obama Whiteh House's attacks on Fox News: "They don't like that Fox News standard of: 'We report, you decide.' No, they want it to be "You report what we decide." Of course, the Bush White House similarly attempted pushed back against coverage it didn't like as well -- primarily targeting the New York Times -- but Porter fails to mention that.

Porter concludes by touting her WND-promoted pink slip campaign -- which contains a surprising amount of falsehoods and distortions for such a small piece of paper.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:48 AM EDT
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
NewsBusters Joins in Seeking Revenge on Olbermann
Topic: NewsBusters

The Washington Examiner's Diana West is not the only right-winger looking to target Keith Olbermann's gig hosting an NFL pregame show as revenge for Rush Limbaugh not being able to buy the St. Louis Rams -- NewsBusters is hopping aboard the revenge train as well.

An Oct. 18 post by Noel Sheppard highlighted Juan Williams' complaint on "Fox News SUnday" about Olbermann, that he says "Conservatives are terrible, they're a bunch of jerks, blah-de-blah. And then he's announcing the game. Nobody says, 'Well, because he makes divisive statements he can't announce an NFL game.' I don't see that.

Jeff Poor followed with an Oct. 19 post (and MRC Business & Media Institute item) repeating Williams' statement, adding, "that's something Williams is dead-spot on with, if you take a closer look at Olbermann's nightly MSNBC show." Poor then complains about how Olbermann likes to bash conservatives in his nightly "Worst Person in the World" segment, which Poor says is "nothing but conservative-bashing sessions meant to appeal to his rabid left-wing viewers."

Like West, Poor bashes Olbermann for calling Michelle Malkin "a big mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick on it" but holds Malkin curiously blameless for siccing her hateful readers on an innocent person.

What Williams, Sheppard and Poor all seem to have missed (or are deliberately avoiding trying to mention) is that there's a key difference between Limbaugh and Olbermann: Olbermann limits his attacks to politics, doesn't attack NFL players, and has not been identified as making such remarks on his Sunday night NFL preview show, while Limbaugh leveled race-based criticism against an NFL player (Donovan McNabb) on an NFL pregame show.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:23 PM EDT
Vadum Tries to Smear Us
Topic: Capital Research Center

In an Oct. 20 ACORN-bashing piece at the American Spectator, the Capital Research Center's Matthew Vadum curiously links to this very blog as an example of "so-called fact-checking operations that follow ACORN" who allegedly "a more much flexible definition for 'lie.'" No specific item, mind you -- just the blog itself, thus making this a dubious smear against us.

Why? We're not sure -- we haven't written all that much about ACORN. Perhaps Vadum is ticked off at use because we've repeatedly caught him in his own fair share of lies:

  • We've corrected Vadum's frequent false assertion that ACORN operated Project Vote in 1992  when Barack Obama was affiliated with Project Vote.
  • We've busted Vadum for playing fast and loose with  ACORN numbers, insisting that the group is "eligible" to receive billions from the stimulus bill while burying the fact that ACORN would likely receive only a small fraction, if any, of it.
  • We've documented Vadum peddling falsehoods and distortions about Media Matters.
  • We've caught him making a false claim that he would have avoided had he done some basic research. (Vadum only grudgingly corrected it.)

Is this a guy who has earned the right to complain about the research of others? We think not.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:41 PM EDT
Obama-Nazi Smear of the Day
Topic: WorldNetDaily

The White Rose letters were simple, but scathing indictments of the Nazi anti-Semitic genocide, and the loss of German life in the war. But most eloquently, the White Rose demanded that, for their own honor's sake, Germans, themselves, repudiate their support of Hitler so they would not carry the eternal shame as a nation of having marched for Hitler until the allies defeated the Reich utterly.

We do not yet pay a high price for speaking out against the communist takeover of our country by the revolutionary Obama administration, under the glazed gaze of a nearly corrupt Congress. The effort it takes to strike a keyboard is all we expend. The letters of the White Rose were written, printed and mailed by ordinary citizens who knew that, at each step, they were risking torture and execution if they were caught.

History looks at the rise and fall of the Third Reich and wonders how oceans of rational human beings could participate in such an obvious regime of atrocity. Will history judge us the same way?

Jeanette Pryor, Oct. 19 WorldNetDaily column

Posted by Terry K. at 11:21 AM EDT
Newsmax Fearmongers About Flu Vaccine
Topic: Newsmax

Newsmax has joined WorldNetDaily in spreading fearmongering about flu vaccines.

In an Oct. 16 email sent to the Newsmax mailing list, Dr. Russell Blaylock -- whose "Blaylock Wellness Report" is published by Newsmax -- sought to scare his readers:

Take government's aggressive promotion of the swine flu vaccination . . .

Flu vaccinations contain a full dose of mercury, the most toxic substance known to man.

No amount of mercury is safe. Even very small amounts can weaken your immune system.

Vaccinations also cause brain inflammation. And severe brain inflammation will lead to . . .

  • Behavioral problems and language difficulties in children!
  • Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases in adults!

Like someone trying to deflect blame, Blaylock is accusing others of fearmongering:

When the swine flu story first broke, experts warned that it could be the worst flu since the 1918 pandemic that killed more than 50 million people worldwide, including 700,000 Americans.

But who were these experts?

People on the pharmaceutical and government payroll, that's who. They said it was the most unusual virus they had ever seen . . . that it could kill in large numbers . . .

Overnight, a compliant media spread this alarming news was spread far and wide.


he Chicken Little doomsayers (read "drug company executives") were disappointed in these statistics. But now they're back scaring the public again, saying the "big event" is coming this winter!

And surprise of all surprises, drugmaker Novartis has a swine flu vaccine all ready to go. And the company says it won't give the vaccine away to the poor. Everybody must pay!

Imagine if it could sell 2 billion doses worldwide and get $5 a piece for them. That's $10 billion.

Neat trick. But to succeed, it will need governments around the world insisting that their citizens get vaccinated while using taxpayer money to buy the vaccine for the poor.

Washington is on board. Can you guess why?

Big Pharma is the biggest contributor to Washington politicians -- both Democrats and Republicans. President Obama himself collected $1.2 million during his presidential campaign.

Blaylock goes on to advise people to "avoid flu shots, and if you've had them in the past, to take nutrients that will strengthen your immune system and reduce inflammatory cytokine activity."

In fact, the H1N1 flu brings on "lung inflammation and respiratory failure" in its victims, who tend to be relatively young compared to the elderly who typically succumb to typical seasonal flu. Does that sound like something that can be warded off with a handful of nutrients?

Of course, Blaylock is not doing this merely out of the goodness of his heart. He has subscriptions to his newsletter to sell: "just 13 cents a day. That's not a misprint -- I really mean just 13 cents a day!" But even after his sales pitch, he's not done scaremongering:

Also in your FREE report, Vaccinations and Brain Injuries -- Are You at Risk? you'll find out . . .

  • Why many doctors refuse to take the same vaccines they recommend to their patients!
  • How better nutrition and sanitation, not vaccines, wiped out childhood diseases in this country!
  • Why studies showing that vaccines weaken the immune system have been suppressed!
  • Why parents are told their children need 36 to 40 shots before attending school, even though frequent vaccination can cause brain damage!
  • Why seniors are told to get flu shots every year, even though repeated vaccination can lead to Parkinson's and Alzheimer's!

It seems that Blaylock's fearmongering may very well end up be responsible for flu deaths in people he scared into not getting a vaccine.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:22 AM EDT
WND Headline Fail
Topic: WorldNetDaily

From Craig R. Smith's Oct. 19 WorldNetDaily column:

Posted by Terry K. at 12:48 AM EDT

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