WND's Washington Is Not Comparing Obama to Hitler, But... Topic: WorldNetDaily
... yeah, he's comparing Obama to Hitler, no matter how much he denies it. From Ellis Washington's Nov. 18 WorldNetDaily column:
Desperate people do desperate things. What would you do for your daily bread? How low would you go for gainful employment? What religious, ethical or constitutional principles would you disregard to allow the government under a demagogue leader, a cowardly Congress and corrupt courts to enact policies and laws that in effect steal money from one group of people (the so-called "rich") and give the stolen trillions of dollars to others who didn't earn it and don't deserve it (the so-called "poor") all in the name of the grand, failed Marxist polices repackaged as redistribution of wealth, "fair share" and social justice?
The Weimar Republic (1919-33) and the German people made that fateful decision on Jan. 30, 1933, when they elected the genocidal megalomaniac Adolf Hitler and a few months later gave him dictatorial powers. Will America make that same fateful decision on Nov. 4, 2012, by re-electing President Barack Obama? While I am not equating Obama to Hitler, I am making the legitimate philosophical distinction that liberal fascism (e.g., progressivism) – a worldview by which both leaders governed, under the Democratic Socialist Party and National Socialist Party, respectively – has by design driven society into global, political anarchy and economic catastrophe, which continues to this day.
Can President Obama force 300 million free American citizens into a concentration camp euphemistically called government-controlled health care under the "Individual Mandate" by 2014 or face severe tax penalties? If so, then are we truly still free citizens endowed by God with unalienable rights under natural law, or are we in essence de facto, voluntary slaves to an ever-evolving, ever-expanding leviathan State called the federal government under positive law?
Don't even bother with the pretense, Ellis. We all know you want to compare Obama to Hitler like your WND buddies.
Will MRC Apologize For Trying to Link WH Shooting Suspect To Occupy Movement? Topic: Media Research Center
The Media Research Center's Kyle Drennen wrote in a Nov. 17 NewsBusters post how some media outlets had reported that authorities "searched the Occupy DC protest camp" for evidence that alleged White House shooter Oscar Ortega-Hernandez had spent time there, adding in bold, "NBC, ABC, and CBS left that fact out of their evening and morning coverage of his arrest."
Drennen also wrote that some in the media were "thrilled with the idea" that the Occupy D.C. protest had "rules and regulations," adding, "One wonders if Ortega-Hernandez filled out such a document if he did spend time in the encampment."
Just one problem: As Salon's Alex Pareene points out, no one has turned up any link whatsoever between Ortega-Hernandez and the Occupy movement.
You might recall how the MRC was apoplectic that some tried to link the shooter of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords to right-wing causes -- MRC chief Brent Bozell declared, "Shame on the reporters and media outlets that entertained these outrageous accusations and who are now responsible for spreading the lies."
Any chance the MRC feels similar shame at perpetuating a link it has no evidence to support to the point that it will apologize for doing so? Doubtful.
WND's Mercer Likens Liberals to Holocaust Deniers Topic: WorldNetDaily
Ilana Mercer is unhappy that views she doesn't agree with are presented to her on Fox News. She kicks off her Nov 17 WorldNetDaily column: by insulting those liberals she doesn't agree with:
The one parallel universe is represented on Fox Business by the likes of Nancy Skinner, Caroline Heldman, Tara Dowdell, Carl Jeffers, Joe Sibila, Erika Payne and others.
Skinner is a Democratic talk-show host. The description is self-explanatory. Heldman is a professor at Occidental College whose considered opinion is that "the "private sector" put us in "the economic position we are in." Heldman, who resembles the popular caricature of Marie Antoinette, calls regularly for the heads of business people. Dowdell is one of many fast-talking Democratic strategists to plump for every imaginable assault on private property issued by Washington. Sibilia is a successful CEO who – in his monumental ignorance of the benefits that redound to society when "both capital and labor are … permitted to make their own free choices" – is demanding that corporations "be designed for the common good." Erika Payne, among other evils, is the author of what Jonathan Alter of Newsweek endorsed as "a blueprint for a progressive conspiracy to help save the country."
The philosophical filth spewed by such characters – almost nightly on freedom-promoting programing, no less – is that government can spend and lend to good effect; that it can tax without discouraging and disrupting production; and that our overlords in D.C. can regulate "better" (read energy-squandering) industries into being by steering capital and labor away from bad (energy-efficient) industries (oil and gas).
You expect such illusionary presentations in the liberal media. But those whose fidelity is to reality, the founders' Constitution, and the natural laws of economics should not have to vie for precious seconds with central planners and thieves-by-proxy on magnificent libertarian programs like the John Stossel show or the Judge's "Freedom Watch."
Mercer declares that "there is but one economic reality": that government is bad and its spending is worse. Anyone who doesn't agree with that is just like a Holocaust denier.
No, really. She did indeed go there:
The truth is that truth is immutable, never relative. The little truth there is in mainstream media should not be diluted or presented by its adherents as dueling with untruth.
The above Fox News fixtures no more represent truth or promote it than does your average Holocaust denier.
With an exception: Libraries have long since engaged in a robust debate as to how to classify Holocaust-denying literature. While admirably advocating for unfettered free access, Professor of Library Services John A. Drobnicki has suggested moving Holocaust denial out of the History section in U.S. libraries and closer to the "Bigfoot books," so that Holocaust denial's Dewey Decimal designation is with "hoax materials."
Indeed, hacks are not historians. Although the dueling-perspectives panel format would suggest it is – the economic bunk spewed by the likes of Skinner, Heldman, Dowdell, Jeffers, Sibila and Erika Payne is no version of the truth, but a perversion of it.
Mercer also believes that Michael Vick had the right to do whatever he wanted to with his dogs, so maybe she isn't the best judge of what truth is.
AIM Lets Cliff Kincaid Out of the Attic Topic: Accuracy in Media
Since Accuracy in Media created the Center for Investigative Journalism last year and named Cliff Kincaid to run it, Kincaid has largely been absent from AIM's regular website, popping up for the occasionalright-wingrant.
AIM seems to have let him out of the attic, though, and he's been quite prolific over the past week.
In a Nov. 15 column, Kincaid complained that during a recent Republican debate, CBS' Scott Pelley "maneuvered two Republicans, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich, into defending the Obama Administration on one of the most important and sensitive foreign policy issues—killing American citizens abroad." Why? Because leftists have criticized the policy, that that could have been used against him as a wedge issue. Instead, Kincaid laments, "An issue the Republicans could have used against Obama, in order to alienate the President from his left-wing political base and illustrate his power-hungry manner, was taken off the table."
The next day, Kincaid published a column explaining the previous one:
My column about Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney endorsing President Obama’s premeditated murder of an American citizen working for al-Qaeda was designed to make the point that the Republican candidates had fallen into a trap laid by Scott Pelley of CBS during last Saturday’s debate. Gingrich, who has made criticism of the media a hallmark of his resurgent campaign, should have sensed the trap. Instead, he fell into it, along with Romney.
One reader missed the point about the media and responded, “Despite all the harm this president has done, it is not wrong to support him when he is right.”
But Obama was wrong before he was “right.” He came into office opposed to the use of executive power in this manner. This is the point that Pelley ignored in his question to the Republicans but which should have been central to the discussion.
Again, Kincaid lamented: "Gingrich and Romney had the opportunity to put the Obama Administration on the defensive over a policy that its top officials opposed before Obama took office. They blew it. Obama has to be breathing a sigh of relief."
In a Nov. 17 column, Kincaid was upset that "President Obama is being portrayed as a 'peace through strength' Ronald Reagan Republican as he travels abroad" and that Obama's speeches on his Pacific tour were insufficiently hateful of China.
Perhaps it's time to send Kincaid back to the attic.
WND Tries to Blame Penn State Scandal on Homosexuality Topic: WorldNetDaily
As one would expect given its anti-gay agenda, WorldNetDaily has been working to blame the child sexual abuse scandal involving former Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky on homosexuality.
Homosexuality in America is now out of the closet, front and center (and has been for some time). Now homosexual man/boy activity (pederasty) is under the microscope, its normality, genetic implications and social acceptance being examined.
From what we are witnessing at Penn State and the firing of its president, Dr. Graham Spanier, and beloved head football coach, Joe Paterno, it appears that the public in general and the university trustees in particular are voting against man/boy activity – the same kind of activity being promoted in our society within NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) and the American Psychiatric Association (APA).
In other words, our libertine culture is in the process of making pederasty as acceptable as the lavender revolution itself.
Noebel goes on to blame the American Psychiatric Association for removing homosexuality from its list of mental disorders, repeat discredited claims about former Obama administration education Kevin Jennings, falsely claim that Jennings is still working in the administration (he left in May), and assert, "Only morally deficient individuals would allow Kevin Jennings within a million miles of children!"
WND editor Joseph Farah joined the fun, as well as the blaming of the APA, in his Nov. 16 column:
Some may find this hard to believe, but even through the 1960s sexual revolution, homosexuality was perceived as sexual perversion. That began to change only in the 1970s, when the American Psychological Association, under political pressure, changed the very definition of homosexuality from a disorder to an identity.
No longer did God decide for America what was sinful behavior. Ever since, every man and woman has done what is right in his own eyes.
We may not fully understand the details of what Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky did or didn't do to young boys in locker rooms and showers, though he does admit inappropriate behavior. But the real question is how he did it for so long without consequences.
But now that being accused of homophobia is considered an offense, while practicing homosexuality is considered a virtue, should it really surprise anyone that such behavior would go unreported or unchallenged for so long?
Even Alan Keyes weighed on the subject in his Nov. 17 WND column:
Why would higher-ups be willing to risk their reputations and life-long careers to cover for the wrongdoing of one of their subordinates? Despite the almost religious promotion of homosexuality now in evidence at all too many of America's institutions of so-called "higher learning," it's hard to believe that they would thus willingly sacrifice themselves to the gods of "political correctness," especially given the fact that the zealous advocates of homosexual rights are still pretending to draw the line at the sexual abuse of children.
Unmentioned by these WND writers: There's no credible link between homosexuality and pedophilia.
CNS: Those Penguins Aren't Gay! Topic: CNSNews.com
Penny Starr wants you to know those penguins aren't gay.
Starr -- who has a history of anti-gay bias -- devotes an entire Nov. 17 CNSNews.com article to insisting that, according to the Toronto Zoo, "two male African penguins, Buddy and Pedro, which have been portrayed in some media reports as 'gay' are actually part of a breeding program for endangered species and that their bond is 'social,' not 'sexual.'" Starr adds: "Buddy, in fact, had a female mate for 10 years and they produced baby penguins until she died."
Well, we wouldn't want any gay penguins to conflict with CNS and its parent organization's anti-gay agenda, would we?
WND's Farah Likens Occupy Movement to Nazis Topic: WorldNetDaily
Phil Elmore isn't the only WorldNetDaily columnist who utterly hates the #Occupy movement.
Following Elmore's incitement to violence against #Occupy, Joseph Farah picks up the hateful baton in his Nov. 17 column:
I know what you may not understand because once upon a time – a long while ago – I was one of them. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, I would have been out there with the vociferous miscreants currently making a nuisance of themselves on Wall Street and in other major cities across the country.
These are the shock troops, the storm troopers, the beer-hall kampfbund, and the lumpen proletariate of previous revolutions and attempted socialist coups of the past.
Communists and Nazis often used such ruffians as tools to create chaos, instill fear and anxiety and bully their way to power.
When I saw Oakland burning, it reminded me of the Kristallnacht pogrom of 1938. It may have seemed like senseless acts of random violence, but there was a point to it.
This is the beginning of America's intifada. And while many Americans are expecting these hooligans to go quietly into the night as the weather gets colder, I know better. This is orchestrated at the highest levels of American power – not with the idea of violently overthrowing the government, in this case, but in expediting a coup that has been under way, in earnest, since Jan. 20, 2009.
If you want to understand the occupy movement, just think of Adolf Hitler's "brown shirts" or Benito Mussolini's "black shirts."
WND justloves likening people it doesn't like to Nazis.
MRC Falsely Portrays Obama's 'Lazy' Remark Topic: Media Research Center
The Media Research Center is not terribly interested in the truth -- not when it doesn't conform to its right-wing agenda, anyway.
In a Nov. 15 NewsBusters post, the MRC's Scott Whitlock hufs that TV networks "have yet to investigate Barack Obama's arrogant assertion that America has gotten 'lazy' in regard to foreign investments." In a Nov. 16 MRC item, Kyle Drennen asserted that President Obama "call[ed] America 'lazy'" in a speech, then criticized an NBC reporter for having "dismissed the gaffe." Geoffrey Dickens followed up the next day by lamenting that Obama's "'lazy' gaffe" received "grand total of just 36 seconds on the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) morning and evening news shows."
Just one little problem: Obama didn't call Americans "lazy." As FactCheck.org details in reporting the full statement Obama made: "Obama didn’t call you lazy. He said the U.S. has gotten lazy about promoting and attracting new business to America. In fact, he called you 'outstanding U.S. workers.'"
The MRC's Matt Hadro mostly gets it right in a Nov. 18 NewsBusters post referencing "President Obama's statement that Americans have 'been a little bit lazy' in getting foreign investors to come to America," but tries to twist things anyway after it was discussed on CNN: "What [CNN's Erin] Burnett did not admit was that President Obama was still tossing blame at certain Americans for a slow economy which could doom his re-election bid in 2012."
When the facts don't fit the agenda, the MRC must twist them. That's a partisan political operation, not "media criticism."
CNS Can't Stop Shilling for Oil Industry Topic: CNSNews.com
On the same day we examine in detail CNSNews.com's history of serving as public relations agents for the oil and gas industry, CNS does it again.
A Nov. 17 CNS article by Elizabeth Harrington features a press conference in which "Republican lawmakers criticized the Obama administration’s recent decision to delay approval of the Keystone XL pipeline," going on to assert that the project "would create an estimated 20,000 jobs."
Harrington repeats the jobs claim later in the article: "Its construction would employ 20,000 Americans and 118,000 spin-off jobs would be created along the pipeline route through increased business, adding $5 billion in property taxes, according to TransCanada."
Harrington doesn't mention, however, that TransCanada's job estimates use an opaque and suspicious "person-years" job claim, and that analysts claim that the pipeline would create only about 5,000 construction jobs and less than 50 permanent jobs.
Also unmentioned is the money CNS' parent, the Media Research Center, has received from oil and gas interests.
Noel Sheppard Lack Of Self-Awareness Watch Topic: NewsBusters
As we've amplydemonstrated, self-awareness is not one of the skills Noel Sheppard possesses.
Sheppard puts his epic lack of self-awareness on display yet again in a Nov. 15 NewsBusters post in which he rants about praise by NBC's Brian Williams for new NBC hire Chelsea Clinton. Sheppard concluded his tirade by declaring: "This level of idolatry and sycophancy from the anchor of America's leading news broadcast though not surprising really is sick-making."
Sheppard's huffy statement comes just a day his own sick-making display of idolatry and sycophancy in the form of a slobbering interview with Ann Coulter.
White House Shooting Suspect Thinks Obama Is The Antichrist -- Just Like WND Topic: WorldNetDaily
CBS News reports on the arrest of Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez on suspicion of firing a rifle at the White House:
Sources tell CBS News Ortega-Hernandez was not on the radar of the Secret Service before Friday's shooting. But investigators believe he may have targeted the White House due to a hatred of President Obama. Businessman Monte McCall, said Ortega-Hernandez compared the president to the "Antichrist" when they met recently.
You know who else likes to compare the president to the Antichrist? WorldNetDaily. A lot.
Anybody think WND will report that pertinent detail to its readers? We don't either.
Newsmax Lets McCaughey Peddle More Health Care Reform Misinformation Topic: Newsmax
In a Nov. 14 Newsmax article, Martin Gould lets serial health care misleader Betsy McCaughey peddle even more misinformation about health care reform:
“The Obama administration lawyers have said mandatory insurance is necessary for free riders — the people who go to the hospital and do not pay for it,” McCaughey in an exclusive interview with Newsmax. “They argued again and again that the need for healthcare is universal and inevitable, that everyone is involved in healthcare commerce and this law regulates how they pay for it.
“But 13 percent of those are illegal immigrants and the rest will be eligible for Medicaid, so the individual mandate will not affect them.
“The 11th Circuit called that issue a sleight of hand, and I agree with that. Once uncovered, this fact is the silver bullet that will put the Obama healthcare law to rest,” she told Newsmax.
This is an apparent reference to her claim that the Obama administration is "spending some $11 billion on community organizations that serve illegal immigrants, largely. So this is a spread-the-wealth and buy-the-folks program." In fact, the community health centers are designed to help low-income people, and they are required to serve all who walk through their doors regardless of immigration status. While some who get served by these centers might be illegal, her suggestion is that all who benefit are illegal is simply not true.
Gould, it seems, was too busy writing sycophantic things like "Some have called McCaughey an American hero for her knowledge of the issues that Obama’s Affordable Care Act raises and her doggedness in opposing it" to get around to fact-checking anything she wrote.
WND Columnist's Deranged Rant Essentially Incites Violence Against Occupy Movement Topic: WorldNetDaily
Occupy Wall Street, the first of the cancerous Obamavilles, brought us "Zuccotti lung," a respiratory infection that before long may find itself competing with winter vomiting virus and tuberculosis. Occupy Atlanta is already contending with a drug-resistant strain of TB – and in a particularly perverted twist, it is residents of a homeless shelter who have been endangered, because the "occupiers" have taken up residence there. Similar outbreaks trouble almost every "Occupy" mob. They are spawned for two reasons. One is the obvious; there are specific problems endemic to masses of squatters living in cramped quarters without proper sanitation. The other is equally obvious, but less politically correct: Hippies smell.
"Occupy" protesters smell bad because they don't bathe. They smell because they are shiftless losers who don't care about anything, much less basic hygiene. They smell because they're the kind of hopelessly vile animals who'll have public sex under tarps in the midst of their creeping, crawling Obamavilles, with or without partners, with or without consent. This is why they are covered in lice. This is why the "occupiers" have been synonymous with "dirty" from the first tent unzipped: They are lib hippie left-wing protesters, and lib hippie left-wing protestors are notorious for flouting basic standards of human decency. Never has this been better illustrated than by the "Occupy" movement's intimate relationship with human waste.
This is no longer a question of freedom of speech. This has long ago ceased to be an issue of the right to assemble. No American citizen has the right to terrorize and threaten his fellow Americans in this way. No mob of Americans should be permitted to endanger and to harass the public the way these hateful "Occupy" hippies have done for months.
Call out the National Guard. Turn on the fire hoses. Send bulldozers. Bring flame-throwers, for pity's sake. Men and women who give a damn about their country, wearing Hazmat suits and respiratory gear, empowered by the lawful government of this nation, should be marching in ranks on every Obamaville this very moment, prepared to beat with truncheons and shoot with rubber bullets every last filthy hippie. Put a stop to this miserable army of miscreants before they are permitted to rape, infect, or ruin one more person.
The "Occupy" movement is a cancer. The "occupiers" are criminals and terrorists. The Obamaville is a creeping death made of Nylon, placards and human waste. This movement is a third-world rot that will infect us all if we do not sterilize it now.
Lyin' Les Kinsolving Misleads About Biden Topic: WorldNetDaily
In his Nov. 14 WorldNetDaily column, Les Kinsolving insults Vice President Joe Biden as "both a liar and a coward," uncritically repeating a Human Events attack on the vice president following a confrontation Human Events editor Jason Mattera staged with Biden. But Kinsolving is not telling the full truth.
Kinsolving writes that "an enraged vice president has complained about Mattera to the Standing Committee of Correspondents on Capitol Hill." In fact, according to the Senate Press Gallery's Heather Rothman, Biden's office contacted the standing committee of correspondents regarding whether Mattera broke the rules with his ambush, but has not filed a formal complaint.
Kinsolving then bizarrely digresses into a 60-year-old complaint about how one reporter was barred from the Senate Press Gallery allegedly because he was black. He also referenced how WND "successfully won a long-fought battle with the Committee after being denied a pass to the Senate Press Gallery." He didn't mention that WND did so only after launching personal attacks on gallery members.
Kinsolving is probably breathing a sigh of relief that being a raging homophobe and a right-wing hack are insufficient grounds to be booted out of the Senate Press Gallery.
MRC Baselessly Claims Kagan Engaged In 'Advocacy' for Health Care Reform Topic: Media Research Center
The Media Reserarch Center's Kyle Drennen complains in an Nov. 15 NewsBusters post:
While NBC, ABC, and CBS all reported on the Supreme Court's decision Monday to rule on the constitutionality of ObamaCare, none of the coverage made any mention of calls for liberal Justice Elena Kagan to recuse herself from the case due to her advocacy for the legislation as Obama's solicitor general.
Drennen offers no evidence that Kagan engaged in "advocacy for the legislation." Nor did he mention that the MRC, through CNSNews.com editor in chief Terry Jeffrey, has been desperately trying -- and failingmiserably -- to prove that Kagan was somehow involved.
Further, Drennen made no reference to claims that Supreme Court Justice should recuse due to his wife's advocacy work against health care reform.
All Drennen does is throw an unsupported assertion of "advocacy." That's "media criticism"?