Topic: Newsmax
Michael Reagan ranted in his June 17 Newsmax column:
We don’t know if Garth Brooks personally drinks Bud Light, but we can assure you he’s an avid, two-fisted drinker of leftist Kool-Aid.
Brooks recently made the news when he announced his new bar, "Friends In Low Places Bar & Honky Tonk" — located in Nashville, Tennessee — will be proudly (no pun intended) serving Bud Light.
This after a Bud Light marketing campaign embraced female impersonator Dylan Mulvaney who is famous for his manic woman-face portrayals of real women.
The resulting boycott of Bud Light by normal beer drinkers has the marketing team wondering if sinking to the same market share as non-alcoholic beer would be a bad thing after all.
What’s surprising is a man who made his living in the music field can be so tone deaf in his own city. Brooks is cozying up to the same insane gender ideology that produced the Covenant Christian School shooter in the same city where the murders happened!
Reagan didn't explain why he and his fellow right-wingers are such snowflakes that they can't emotionally handle a transgender person drinking bear. Instead, he raged at Brooks for refusing to hate transgender people as much as he does:
Brooks gives all the sanctimonious leftist-approved excuses for embracing the culture’s slide into perversion. Yahoo News has the quote, "I get it, everybody's got their opinions. But inclusiveness is always going to be me. I think diversity is the answer to the problems that are here and the answer to the problems that are coming. So I love diversity."
And if "diversity" means inclusivity for sexual miscreants, well, the more the merrier!
What Brooks has evidently missed is that "diversity" is an ideological Procrustean bed that forces all to conform to one ideology. And that ideology is not one that Country Music fans support. In other words, Brooks, unlike colleague Alan Jackson (of "Gone Country" fame) chose to go beyond crazy left.
Brooks urges customers — assuming there are any after this — "So, here's the deal, man …come in. But come in with love, come in with tolerance, patience. Come in with an open mind, and it's cool."
Which sounds like the governing motto of every PRIDE festival held this month.
Why must having an "open mind" include sane people associating with disturbed people and giving a big old hug to decadence?
Why does culturally imposed "diversity" force us to live in Sodom with electricity?
Why does Reagan think that failure to hate people who aren't like him is an "ideology"? And why doesn't he admit that, by the same argument, that kind vicious hatred is an "ideology" as well? We may never know.