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Tuesday, August 1, 2023
WND Columnist Gives Chick-fil-A Hypocritical Break On Violating Right-Wing Sensibilities
Topic: WorldNetDaily

We've shown how WorldNetDaily has backed off going scorched-earth on companies who don't hate gay people enough (Bud Light, Target) when that company is typically considered in the right-wing camp (the makers of "The Chosen"). Another example came in a June 1 column by someone named Joy O'Curran, who purports to be "a voracious Christian, adoring homeschooling mom, and avid writer homesteading on a sub-rural two acre Embassy for Christ" who loves reading "the Bible, Christian fiction (especially the old stuff), and conservative news from WND" -- though her column image is a sultry silhouette that doesn't seem like something a "voracious Christian" would do. We could find no evidence of her existence outside of WND archives, which combined with the non-representational image if it's a pseudonym for someone who is either a more prominent writer who wanted a fake name to hide behind or merely someone who really is the described person but wants to remain anonymous outside the column.

O'Curran's column began by repeating falsehoods about Target, claiming that was "marketing satanic products in their 'Pride' month collection" and that it offered "a T-shirt for sale claiming, "Satan respects pronouns." False on both counts. She touted how Target was getting "the Bud Light treatment Anheuser-Busch is currently reeling from after the deeply offensive, misogynistic Dylan Mulvaney ad fiasco: a squeeze from both sides."  She didn't explain what, exactly, was "offensive" or "misogynistic" about a transgender person drinking beer. She then offered a lesson from the past:

When will our corporate community learn to stay out of politics? Better yet, take a lesson from Chick-Fil-A from the past and choose biblical morals as your guide for business behavior.

Back around 2012, then-CEO of Chick-Fil-A, Dan Cathey, made some remarks that clearly marked him as against same-sex marriage. There was an alphabet community outcry with calls for boycotts and "kiss-ins." Within the following weeks, though, what happened was a call from the conservative community to counter that action with extra trips through the restaurant's drive-thru and dining room. The result was a clear and complete statement that there is more than ample support for those corporations who choose biblical moral values and peacefully stick to it. Chick-Fil-A revenues went through the roof.

In fact, there are a number of retailers that have gotten the memo that sticking to conservative values and speaking up against the woke mob will actually win you customers. One shining example is Mike Lindell and his MyPillow corporation.

O'Curran seems to be confusing being anti-"woke" with being a dishonest liar. Ah, but all is not well in the fast-food chicken world:

It's a shame that the big corporations that run their businesses on borrowed money and short-term loans are now in such a pickle. So many of the banking institutions have been coerced or even willingly implemented ESG criteria for eligibility to get those needed loans. However, conservatives are smelling blood in the water with the effective Bud Light pinch and are also seeing Target clearly suffer. What is a corporate executive to do? They must do leftist craziness to get their ESG scores up so they can get the bank loans needed, but when they do, their customer base vanishes. Go woke, go broke! My hope is that this will result in fewer mammoth corporations drunk on short-term loans and result in lots more mom-and-pop operations, which helps keep our money local. After all, that is really better for our environment, in more ways than one.

Sadly, this week, Chick-Fil-A has also succumbed to the woke DEI madness that meets ESG banking requirements. No doubt, if the founder, S. Truett Cathey, were still in the driver's seat, instead of his Gen X grandson, Andrew Cathey, who took over in late 2021, things might be very different. Andrew is in his mid 40s, making him officially Gen X, but he is on the cusp, and no doubt identifies more closely with millennials who have been brainwashed from birth on alphabet community talking points. This could very possibly be the origins of his recent leadership decisions.

The actual words "diversity, "equity" and "inclusion" are not utterly divergent from biblical moral values because true Christians believe in fairness, justice for all and color-blindness. However, DEI is a standard cudgel used by the alphabet community to make excuses to implement racial discrimination, advance reparations for the purported great great grandchildren of former slaves and encourage employment advancement based on the way a person looks versus his or her capabilities. None of these ideas is positive in the long term for our society. It is truly unfortunate that Chick-Fil-A has chosen to go this route even if just to check a box and get on with business as usual. Andrew may find that business may not be so usual now.

But O'Curran is not demanding a boycott of Chick-fil-A for this egregious violation of right-wing sensibilities. Instead, she lectured Target some more:

So, I ask you, Target execs, do you want the Bud Light treatment or the original Chick-Fil-A treatment? Choose the right, not because there are more of us than them, but because it's the right thing to do! One of the results of embracing those biblical values would be reworking your business so you require those loans less often, if ever. Problem solved.

I also ask you, Christian conservatives, how many of you signed the Target boycott years ago and then gave up because you selfishly wanted something frivolous you could only get at Target? Repent and see the strength of God's goodness working through you too! Let's stand together, not for hate but for love, saying to the alphabet community: Loved one, this sin is hurting you. Please stop!

It appears that O'Curran is saying to Target that it will get a Chick-fil-A-style pass if it starts hating LGBT people the way right-wing Christians do. 

By the way, WND as a whole largely ignored the Chick-fil-A DEI story, serving up only a republished story from the far-right Western Journal.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:55 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, August 1, 2023 6:11 PM EDT

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