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Monday, July 31, 2023
MRC Rehashed Praise For Unabomber -- But Censored That Musk Did Too
Topic: Media Research Center

The death of Unabomber Ted Kaczynski prompted a June 11 flashback-style post by Tim Graham:

The apparent death by suicide of "Unabomber" Ted Kaczynski might come as a "who's that" from younger citizens. Between 1978 and 1995, Kaczynski mailed or hand-delivered a series of increasingly sophisticated bombs that killed three people and maimed or injured 23 others.

Nevertheless, our Best of Notable Quotables 1996 edition included several sickening examples of journalists praising the eco-terrorist


Leftist journalists tried to claim you couldn't pin the Unabomber on the Left: 

Graham went on to complain that "just days" after Kaczynski's arrest, "Bryant Gumbel was blaming the Oklahoma City bombing on conservative talk radio," and concluded by whining: "PS: In 2015, remarkably unfunny Comedy Central host Larry Wilmore compared Kaczynski to Ted Cruz: 'Ted Cruz went to Harvard, just like Unabomber Ted Kaczynski. Hey, Harvard, stop admitting dudes named Ted.'"

It seems that Graham's definition of  "remarkably unfunny" is anyone who makes fun of Ted Cruz.

But what Graham -- and all other MRC writers -- failed to mention is that among those who praised Kaczynski was the MRC's favorite erratic billionaire, Elon Musk. When a person on Twitter repeated the beginning of the Unabomber's manifesto, in which he stated that ""The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race" -- which Graham also made a point of quoting in an attempt to portray Kazynski as being "on the Left" -- Musk responded, "He might not be wrong."

But then, the MRC is Musk's PR division, and it publishes only positive things about him (as long as he continues to adhere to right-wing narratives and allow those right-wingers to spew anti-transgender hate).

Still, it's glaring hypocrisy when the MRC attacks all those who have praised the Unabomber -- except one person.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:26 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, July 31, 2023 1:27 PM EDT

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