Topic: WorldNetDaily
Hanne Nabintu Herland's May 10 WorldNetDaily column started with nonsensical ranting about how America is purportedly turning into soviet Russia:
The rise of totalitarianism in modern societies happens in nations where Marxism first is infused into society. It is a must to create Marxist repressive revolutions that bring fear and terror into the population and thereby silence political opposition in order to fundamentally alter the whole culture and the social fabric of the nation.
It is the fruits of Marxism that over time change the population from being independent thinkers with individual rights protected by a conservative Constitution to becoming subordinate, groupthink, indoctrinated communities full of fear of the government.
But then she served up this claim:
Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi summed this strategy up as she on tape explained how Democrats smear their opponents with falsehood and lies. She states: "You demonize, it is called the Wrap Up Smear. You smear somebody, with falsehoods and all the rest. Then you merchandize it, you write it and say, 'It is reported in the press' this and this, so you have the validation that the press reported the smear. That's what's called a Wrap Up Smear. So, we merchandize what the press has reported on the smear that we made. It is a tactic." Pelosi is among the long lines of Americans who fell for the neo-Marxist deception, and to use Vladimir Lenin's often attributed term, have become very "useful idiots."
But according to a fact-checker, Pelosi was describing how Republicans smear their opponents, not "explaining" what Democrats do. Herland is taking her words out of context and misrepresenting their meaning.
Looks like the one who's acting a bit Soviet here -- and serving as a useful idiot -- is Herland.Ironic, given that we've previously caught Herland acting as a useful idiot for Vladimir Putin, whose authoritarianism is very Soviet while under acting the guise of what she insisted was a "traditionalist, religion-friendly, capitalist society."