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Thursday, July 13, 2023
FAKE NEWS: WND Republishes False Infowars Story About London Mayor
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily has an unfortunate tendency to publish fake news, but even it should know better than to republish anything from the notorious conspiracy site Infowars. Yet that's exactly what it did with a May 23 article:

London Mayor Sadiq Khan revealed in his new book, Breathe, he suffered a heart attack during the 2021 COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland.

Khan explained as he spoke to the COP26 crowd, “out of nowhere, I felt a knot in my chest – a kind of tightening” and he had to be “carried off the stage” while “barely conscious.”

The book stated, “My shirt was drenched with sweat and I felt like I was on fire.”

That's all of the article WND published -- indicating that it was stolen from Infowars -- but it still contains a major error. As a fact-checker pointed out Khan did not suffer a heart attack at the conference -- and there is no mention of a cardiac arrest in Khan's book, from which this story is derived.

It's also mentioned in the headline of WND's version of the article that Khan's purported cardiac event "days after [a] COVID booster." The Infowars article pushed a baseless conspiracu theory:

Just twelve days after taking both a Covid booster and flu shot on the same day, Khan suffered the heart attack.

It’s likely the health scare was kept from the public until now as it would have surely created more skepticism of the experimental mRNA jabs.

Needless to say, no evidence was presented to link the two events. Like WND, Infowars doesn't need no stinkin' facts when there are malicious and false narratives to promote.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:13 AM EDT

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