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Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Freakout Over Trump Indictment Continued At Newsmax
Topic: Newsmax

After spending days melting down over Donald Trump's failed prediction that he would be "arrested" on March 21, Newsmax got to do a justified meltdown when a grand jury indicted Trump for real on March 30. That meltdown continued into April 1 and 2, weekend days when not much news typically happens and Newsmax has to fill its airtime with something:

That's 24 more pro-Trump ro anti-indictment articles over two days, making for 51 articles over the four days since Trump's indictment was announced for real on March 30. Newsmax did slip in a couple of actual news articles as well:

Thjere was also an April 1 column by Michael Reagan ranting about the indictment and weirdly insisting that Trump looks bad by acting like the criminal he appears to be by submitting himself to the justice system:

Tiger Trump and his claims of the "attack on our country" morphed back into Paper Tiger Trump and he announced he will meekly travel on his own dime to Manhattan and submit to the kangaroo indictment to be followed by a kangaroo court.

By knuckling under Trump gives the indictment standing it does not merit.

If the indictment is "Political Persecution and Election Interference at the highest level in history" why doesn’t he reject Bragg’s authority and stand his ground in Florida?

Just in case Trump has forgotten about the year’s long legal attack on his businesses, the pre-dawn SWAT raid on his home at Mar-a-Lago for classified documents and the leak of his tax returns by the IRS we would like to remind him the two–tiered justice system only applies to him and his supporters.

But even Reagan appears to be tiring of the Trump show, concluding: "Here’s our final prediction today. The indictment probably guarantees Trump’s nomination, followed by another Trump defeat in November 2024."

An April 3 column by Larry Bell was filled with defenses of Trump and Biden and Hillary whataboutism:

Whether a nationally initiated and orchestrated Democrat strategy or local New York act of political arson, the indictment of former President Donald Trump on transparently weak charges have ignited a raging inferno that has irreversibly blackened America’s electoral landscape.

Whichever the original agenda, all sides — liberal, conservative and in-between — are witnessing a dangerous precedent for election interference which would make Stalin’s head of secret police Lavrentiy Beria blush with pride: "Show me the man and I'll show you the crime."


And the FBI-DOJ raid on Trump’s private residence at Mar-a-Lago for classified documents with no similar invasion of Joe’s personal stashes located at five locations including his garage also used by Hunter?

Let’s keep in mind throughout this 2024 presidential campaign season that none of this ongoing clown show charade has anything whatsoever to do with assuring that no one is above the law.

That distinction of justice has come to exclude Democrat-Socialist partisans so long as they are allowed to hold power.

It’s urgently time to remove the ‘For Sale” sign on the White House lawn.

Strangely, Newsmax felt the need to preface Bell's column with this "editor's note" disclaimer: "The following article has been authored by a non-lawyer, and does not constitute a legal opinion; nor does it consitute an endorsement for any candidate, or political party, by Newsmax." That's laughable given how Newsmax has defined itself since the 2020 eletion as an aggressively pro-Trump outlet. What legal action does Newsmax think it's averting through this disclaimer? Or is it getting a little exhausted of the Trump show too?

Posted by Terry K. at 2:34 PM EDT

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