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Tuesday, November 15, 2022
WND Hypes Attack On Rubio Volunteer, Censors That He's A White Supremacist
Topic: WorldNetDaily

An anonymously written Oct. 24 WorldNetDaily article served as a press release for Republican Marco Rubio:

A campaign canvasser for U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., was left with a broken jaw, internal bleeding, needing surgery and a message: Republicans 'aren't allowed in their neighborhood," according to a report from the senator.

Rubio, a sitting senator, is running for re-election in a race that has Rep. Val Demings as the Democrat Party challenger.

One social media, Rubio revealed that one of his campaign volunteers was beaten, requiring medical attention.

A report at the Daily Mail explained the volunteer was wearing Rubio campaign gear and that of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Both are popular among vast swaths of conservative Americans, and DeSantis even has been speculated as a possible GOP nominee for president.


The attack comes amid a largely verbal but very intense campaign by Democrats in Washington, including in the White House, to mischaracterize Republicans as a threat to the nation.

Joe Biden recently labeled conservatives as "semi-fascists."

And he "recently derided them as 'mega MAGA Republicans' in a Sunday interview on MSNBC and has panned them as 'extremists' in appearances across the country alongside Democratic midterm candidates."

This story didn't age well, even by WND standards. As we documented when the Media Research Center similarly hyped this story, the campaign worker in question, Christopher Monzon, is a white supremacist who called himself the "Cuban Confederate" who attended the notorious 2017 protests in Charlottesville, Va., against the removal of Confederate monuments (about which WND is still perpetuating the "Charlottesville lie" lie), and the far-right thugs of the Proud Boys were guarding his hospital room. And it turns out there was no apparent political motivation in at all in Monzon's beating at all; the alleged assailant has never voted, and Monzon never claimed a political motivation until after Rubio declared one on social media.

WND never reported on this story again, and it has not updated this article to mention that Monzon is a white supremacist and other relevant facts. It's bad journalism all around, but does anyone expect differently from WND?

Posted by Terry K. at 3:58 PM EST

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