Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily hates Muslims, and that hatred came to the fore again in a July 4 article by Joe Kovacs:
An author and reporter for a popular news site in Israel says "the Temple of the antichrist" already exists, and is standing right now amid Muslim structures on Jerusalem's Temple Mount.
The stunning claim comes from Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, senior reporter for Israel365 News, who has just released a semi-fictionalized book titled "The Master of Return and the Eleventh Light," providing a "personal look inside the world of the ultra-Orthodox settlers and how they are doing intense personal spiritual work to bring the final redemption – and how the Arabs are murdering us for precisely that reason."
In an interview for the book, Berkowitz took direct aim at the end-times view many Christians hold.
"I hear the Christians talk about the antichrist and the fake Temple that will arise in the end of days," Berkowitz said."Christians used to believe this was the Vatican, which I can understand. Rome stole all the Temple vessels and the Vatican is patterned after the Temple. The Vatican and the Jewish Temple cannot coexist because the Vatican came to replace the Temple."
"What I find a little strange is that no Christian has ever suggested that the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa, which were built directly on top of the ruins of the Temple Jesus walked in, are the Temple of the antichrist. Judaism does not have a concept of the Temple of the antichrist, but to me, it seems pretty obvious that the Muslim structures are the Temple of the antichrist."
If you've been inculcated to hate Muslims in general and Arabs in particular, then yes, you will be likely to find a way to beliefe that a Muslim mosque is the "Temple of the antichrist."
Kovacs did not cite Berkowitz offering any factual information to back up his claim. Instead, he gave Berkowitz a platform to insist that, despite all the evidence presented, he's not "anti-Arab":
Asked if his book is anti-Arab, Berkowitz said: "Absolutely not. I don't think I wrote a single anti-Arab thing. They do murder Jews but I don't see Arabs as inherently evil or the source of Israel's troubles. People who are on the outside think that 'settlers' (I use that term grudgingly) hate Arabs and live where they do in order to have a constant supply of fresh Arab children to eat for breakfast.
"I lived in Gush Etzion for 15 years and I can assure you that every single Jew who lives there does so at great personal expense for one reason; they love the God of Israel. That is the message of the book and I think that is the aspect of Israel that the media refuse to present. People who support Palestinians don't care how much suffering they bring to the Palestinians. But they absolutely oppose the Bible and the possibility that God is keeping his covenant with the children of Jacob."
Kovacs also let Berkowitz whine that "other authors are having their works dismissed by publishers if they mention Jews suffering from Arab terrorism, not going along with the narrative of Palestinians suffering under the 'occupation.'"
At no point did Kovacs talk to anyone else to offer a more realistic and less Islamophobic view of events in Israel or Berkowitz's hateful worldview.