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Tuesday, July 5, 2022
MRC Still Censoring All Mention Of Bozell's Son Arrested At Capitol Riot
Topic: Media Research Center

When Brent "Zeeker" Bozell IV, son of Media Research Center chief Brent Bozell, was arrested for his participation in the Capitol insurrection, the MRC censored all mention of it on its websites. That put the MRC in a bit of a pickle, since Bozell pere effectively endorsed the riot on Fox Business (a MRCTV headline claiming that he condemned it notwithstanding). Well, it's been more than a year since Zeeker's arrest, and the MRC is still in full censorship mode. But it's not like there hasn't been any news on that front.

In March 2021, Bozell IV had four additional charges added to his crimes -- obstruction of an official proceeding, destruction of government property, entering a restricted building or grounds, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building, disorderly conduct in the Capitol building, acts of physical violence in the Capitol and parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building -- after video surfaced of him breaking a window and entering the Senate floor. Despite the clearly incriminating evidence against him, Bozell rejected a plea deal prosecutors offered him in July 2021. His then-new lawyer is John Pierce, who has represented killer Kyle Rittenhouse and other Capitol insurrectionists. We've noted that Pierce has been accused of harassing his ex-wife and of using a defense fund he created for Rittenhouse to promote himself. Pierce later went AWOL on his clients and got blamed by Rittenhouse for his infamous hangout in a bar with the Proud Boys. Way to pick 'em, Zeeker!

(Insert Michael Avenatti hypocrisy reference here.)

Bozell's attorneys then tried to get the charges against him dropped over purported technicalities; that motion was dismissed in February. That's the latest update we've found, and his case is still apparently slogging through the courts.

But Zeeker's dad and the rest of the MRC don't want you to know about this (let one question who is paying for Zeeker's attorneys). We'd say it would be bad for business, but the MRC is already backtracking on its denunciations of the insurrection and attacking the Jan. 6 House committee for looking into it.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:28 AM EDT

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