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Monday, January 18, 2021
Newsmax Defended Trump's Phone Call to Ga. Election Officials
Topic: Newsmax

After President Trump's phone call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger leaning on him to overturn election results in that state became public, Newsmax rushed to defend him. In a Jan. 3 article credited only to "Newsmax Wires," the anonymous writer stated:

The Washington Post on Sunday released audio of a Saturday phone call between President Donald Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in which the two can be heard discussing election results.

The Post initially released snippets of the hour-long call in which Trump can be heard discussing election results with Raffensperger and his lawyer Ryan Germany.

Also joining the call was White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and Trump campaign lawyer Cleta Mitchell.

Trump lays out numerous examples of double voting, dead people voting, and other ballot irregularities and anomalies.

Raffensperger and Germany counter Trump's assertions largely with simple claims that the matters Trump raised have been investigated.

Trump insists he won Georgia's presidential election on Nov. 3 and claims widespread fraud deprived him of that victory.

The Washington Post claimed that in his talk with Raffensperger, Trump "repeatedly urged him to alter the outcome of the presidential vote in the state."

This claim is false.

The transcript of the call shows Trump demanding an honest accounting of the ballots, which he says would give him more than 11,000 votes.

This is followed by excerpts of the call under headings like "Trump Lays Out Ballot Fraud, Irregularities," "Trump Says Fulton County Videotape Shows Massive Fraud," "Trump: Says Many Dead People Voted," "Trump Sees Fraud Also in Michigan, Pennsylvania," and "Trump Disputes Raffensperger." The article noted Raffensperger's response only that he "dismisses" or "disputes" or "responds" to Trump's claims.

What Newsmax never says, however, is that most of what Trump alleged has been discredited, as numerous fact-checkers have found. And contrary to Newsmax' claim, it's not "false" to claim that Trump pressured Raffensperger to change vote totals; intimidation was clearly the purpose of the call.

Such blatant Trump toadying is keeping Newsmax from being taken seriously as a news outlet.

UPDATE: To cite another example of Newsmax's Trump toadying: A Dec. 17 article by Eric Mack uncritically promoted the "blistering 36-page report" by White House aide Peter Navarro "in which he asserted that voter irregularities and election fraud have been found in 'more than sufficient' quantities to swing the election to President Donald Trump." Even though the report has been utterly discredited, Mack would admit only that none of the legal cases the Trump campaign filed in an attempt to overturn the election "have gained significant traction" and that "Critics have rebuked Trump for advancing claims of fraud with insufficient proof and weakening the electoral process." Mack made no effort to fact-check any of Navarro's claims; he presented them as effectively factually accurate.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:10 PM EST
Updated: Monday, January 18, 2021 11:45 PM EST

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