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Thursday, June 7, 2018
Jesse Lee Peterson's Incoherent Attack On His Fellow Blacks
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Jesse Lee Peterson has always taken a dim view of his fellow African-Americans for failing to mindlessly follow the far-right, pro-Trump orthodoxy to which he is in thrall, and he basically attacks any black person who disagrees with him as no better than ghetto thugs or some other vague brand of "evil" (witness his years of Obama derangement).

Peterson's May 27 WorldNetDaily column was ostensibly about a Baltimore police officer killed by "a 16-year-old black male with an extensive criminal past," but it quickly degenerated into an attack on all blacks who aren't like him, and then to Democrats, and he eventually ended up here:

What do Chicago and Baltimore have in common? Both are run by liberal Democrats and are suffering from Obama-era policies that coddle criminals and prevent law enforcement from being proactive in their policing.

Blacks have been allowed to go out of control so they can be used by Democrats for political gain. They don’t want blacks to be moral, law-abiding people, because a moral people cannot be controlled.

Blacks must assume responsibility and stop blaming police for enforcing the law. These thugs who attack police don’t value life. Anyone who makes excuses and defends these criminals is part of the problem.

How funny that he thinks blacks have so little agency that he belives Democrats have "allowed" them to "go out of control" -- and then in the next breath demand that they "assume responsibility." It's an incoherent message, but it keeps him on the WND payroll.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:11 PM EDT

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