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Thursday, June 7, 2018
CNS Spreads A Lie -- And MRC's Bozell Signs Off On It

A May 29 article by Melanie Arter touted a letter by "a coalition of pro-life leaders" objecting to Starbucks donating to Planned Parenthood. As per usual for this stenographer, there's no fact-checking of things like this from the letter as quoted in her article:

Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger once said, ‘We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population,’” the pro-life leaders noted in their letter.

In your April statement responding to the arrest of two African-American men sitting in one of your stores, you declared that Starbucks’ ‘founding values are based on humanity and inclusion.’

As men and women who fight for the value and dignity of every human life, we ask:

“Where is the ‘humanity’ and ‘inclusion’ when your company matches employees’ donations to Planned Parenthood, whose founder Margaret Sanger was an outspoken racist with genocidal intentions?

King is lying. As we've documented, experts on Sanger know that while she was a eugenicist, she was not a racist, let alone one with "genocidal intentions." Further, the "We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population" quote is taken out of context, as many anti-abortion activists love to do; fact-checkers have demonstrated that the full context of the letter from which that quote was ripped -- describing Sanger's "Negro Project" to make birth control available to blacks -- sought to recruit black leaders for the effort to allay suspicions blacks might have had about whites like Sanger being involved.

Arter may have extra motivation to stay in stenography mode: One of the signatories to the letter is Brent Bozell, described only as chairman of ForAmerica (Arter misidentifies Bozell as ForAmerica president; that would be his son, David Bozell, also a signatory to the letter) and never identified as the head of the Media Research Center, where he is Arter's boss. Don't want to make the boss look bad by pointing out he signed on to a lie.

(Hey, at least Arter managed to refrain from giving King that bogus "Dr." honorific, so that's a slight step toward honest journalism. If only CNS paid her to do that instead of lazy stenography.)

Posted by Terry K. at 12:31 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, June 7, 2018 8:53 AM EDT

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