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Friday, February 16, 2018
WND Turns Trump Campaign Promo Into A 'News' Story
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Here's how desperate -- and slobberingly pro-Trump -- WorldNetDaily is: It's turning Trump campaign emails into "news" articles.

On Feb. 8, the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, "a joint fundraising committee authorized by and composed of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. and the Republican National Committee," sent out an email touting some recent polling: "President Trump has a stronger approval rating (48%) today than President Barack Obama (44%) did in 2010 on this same day. But we bet you won’t hear it from the media."

A few hours later, WND's Bob Unruh echoed the tone and content of the Trump email, making sure people did hear about it from the media:

You’ve been hearing the steady drumbeat from establishment media: President Trump lost the popular vote and he’s even more unpopular now.

A poll released Thursday indicates otherwise, though, with 48 percent of likely voters approving of his performance amid undiminished media opposition.

And that figure, believe it or not, tops voters’ approval of Obama, a media darling, at the same point in his presidency

The Rasmussen survey, the organization’s daily Presidential Tracking Poll, also found 34 percent strongly approve of the way Trump is performing and 43 percent strongly disapprove.

Unruh doesn't mention that Rasumussen polls have historically been biased toward Republicans and against Democrats. Indeed, Rasmussen has consistently shown Trump with higher approval ratings than other polls, and we can probably assume it showed Obama's approval ratings as lower than other polls did.

But reporting that would have interfered with WND's embarrassingly pro-Trump agenda, as well as required Unruh to spend time doing research that might interfere with his "news" stenography.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:17 AM EST

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