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Monday, January 8, 2018
WND's Massie Goes On Gay-Hating Tirade
Topic: WorldNetDaily

After starting his Jan 1 WorldNetDailiy column by declaring that "without a constant source of replacement homosexuals, homosexual numbers would dwindle to near nonexistence," Mychal Massie quickly shifts into a full-frothing anti-gay tirade:

California has become the first state in history to mandate that elementary schools use the most abnormal, debaucherous and sexually deviant homosexual textbooks. And they have done it by fiat. Not only is it now “the law” that the public schools must use textbooks that incorporate sexual perversion in elementary schools, but they have given parents no choices for opting out. (See: “California Parents Barred From Opting Kids Out of Mandatory LGBT-Inclusive Textbooks,”, Dec. 26, 2017.)

First of all, parents do have an “opt-out.” It is called “private Christian schools and/or homeschooling,” and parents who are concerned about the health of their children’s education should avail themselves of one or both.

I contend, and nothing dissuades me, that the real reasons sexual deviants are forcing their deviance upon children in kindergarten through fifth grade is because the sexual deviancy they practice is not normal and neither is it genetic. Ergo, they must continually find ways to replenish their kind. If they do not desensitize young children to the abnormality and ungodliness of this perversion by the time untainted children are adults, they will reject personal participation in this practice.

Because Massie is too busy hating gays to adequately explain what exactly he's ranting about, here it is: California has approved LGBT-inclusive textbooks for state schools.

Massie then has a conniption about the idea that PResident James Buchanan might have been gay (despite the fact that there's plenty to back up the theory):

The author explains his reasoning for asserting President Buchanan was a homosexual as: “Buchanan … never married. He had a very good friend who was living with him. He may have been [homosexual]. On the other hand, at that time, being [homosexual] was seen as something evil and wrong.” Following this publisher’s rationale, if a person lived with a dog and never married, he would be into bestiality.

When this sewage of invented history is examined, what one sees is an amalgam of lies intended to sway public opinion, decrease criticism and present the illusion of normalcy to that which is not.

The author quote Massie is using is apparently taken from the right-wing website Truth Revolt, which got it from an unnamed source. In the original, the author used the word "gay"; for some reason, Massie has banned that word from his column and clunkily replaced both instances with "[homosexual]." He did that elsewhere in his column as well with another quote from the author.

Massie declares that all of this is proof that gays want your children because something called the "Homosexual Manifesto" said so:

It is part of the homosexual agenda’s goal. The following is an excerpt from part one of the “homosexual manifesto” (first published in Gay Community News, Feb. 15-21, 1987, and also placed into the Congressional Record. Author: Michael Swift):

  • “Our writers and artists will make love between men fashionable and de rigueur, and we will succeed because we are adept at setting styles.”
  • “We will sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms … youth groups. … Your sons … will be recast in our image.”

In fact, the "manifesto" is satire that gay-bashers like Massie have insisted for years is real. The apparent pen name "Michael Swift" ought to have been a clue; the "manifesto" was inspired by Jonathan Swift's satirical "A Modest Proposal."

But then, Massie is particularly prone to believing (and promoting) whacked-out conspiracy theories about people he hates.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:53 PM EST

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