Topic: WorldNetDaily
After the news of Donald Trump's vile sexual remarks broke on Oct. 7, WorldNetDaily first responded only with an article it stole from the Washington Post that it didn't even place in its front-page breaking-news carousel. What did make the carousel, however, were two articles trying to portray Bill Clinton as a sexual predator -- a blatant attempt to distract from the news of the day.
It was almost a day before WND posted an original article about it, focusing on Trump's apology, baselessly portraying him as "humbled." For at least part of that day, however, WND promoted that article in its carousel without a photo, leaving just a headline in a black box:
But choosing not to vote for Trump because of his shameless misbehavior 11 years ago, caught on a covert video conveniently and coincidentally withheld until one month before Election Day, is not smart. It’s not the right thing to do for your country, for our economy, for our national security, for the righteous revolt Trump has led this year against the permanent, bipartisan political establishment that has already come dangerously close to destroying America’s heritage of liberty, justice and prosperity.
Experience more of Joseph Farah’s no-nonsense truth-telling in his books, audio and video products, featured in the WND Superstore
If I thought Trump were in this race for his ego only, it might be different. I don’t. I think he genuinely wants to do something for his country. And I think he may be the only person who can do that at this time – and certainly he’s our only choice with a month left I the race.
That’s the choice we have. And guess what? I think the choice is crystal clear.[...]
So, what’s it going to be America? Vote for a cad or a criminal?
Count on my vote for the cad.
Farah is also unclear on who the Democratic candidate is, asserting: "It’s sad to say, but your choice boils down to sending a cad to the White House or returning a rapist, one who was actually impeached in connection with a series of serial assaults and lying under oath about them." Farah doesn't mention that Trump has been credibly accused of rape.
Trump true believer Gina Loudon, meanwhile, dismissed the whole thing as mere "locker-room-style banter" and is mad not that Trump said such vile things, but that more will be coming out because "the Democrats have turned to the page in the leftist playbook that tells them to dig up dirt and assassinate the character of their opponents because they must distract from the issues." Loudon has bought Trump's alleged apology hook, line and sinker because she insists he's now a better man:
Times like these are when Donald Trump shines, and he now has a unique opportunity to turn this into a win.
Mr. Trump has a chance to connect even further with the American people on a personal level because of this controversy. Every American voter has said something in private that they regret. If he gives a contrite apology and talks about his transformation on the campaign trail, he can turn these attacks into a big win.
Pamela Geller, meanwhile, not only handwaves Trump's "naughty" words ("This is much ado about nothing. It’s how guys talk"), she -- and we are not making this up -- praised Trump's "decorum" in his sleazy conversation, and went full Clinton Equivocation:
The uproar over Trump’s remarks is manufactured and opportunistic outrage. For example, I was actually surprised by the decorum in Trump’s conversation. He was respectful of the married woman’s refusal. He was surprised that if you’re famous, you can get all the sex you want. He was unashamedly heterosexual in his desires. Though he said he wanted to grab p—-, he didn’t force someone’s head “down,” a la Bill Clinton. He appreciates “beautiful” and wants to kiss her face, not have her immediately perform oral sex a la Bill Clinton, and he wants to be pleasing to her with Tic Tacs for his breath – very considerate. A pass, a kiss, is not rape. For that, you’d have to ask Juanita Broaddrick.
Geller conludes with a dab of Hillary derangement: "It’s the end of us – the end of freedom – if Hillary Clinton becomes president."