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Wednesday, January 13, 2016
WND Author Pens Another Anti-Education Screed
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Alex Newman, if you'll recall, is the extremist WND author who thinks teachers are criminals. Well, he's back with another anti-education screed in a Jan. 4 WND column.

Newman rants against the recently passed Every Student Succeeds Act, but he never says exactly what he objects to,other than a kneejerk assumption that beausae it comes from the Obama administration, it must be bad.Despite his utter lack of evidence, Newman insists that the law is "yet another 1,061-page reason to yank their children out of government schools immediately. As if more reasons were really needed." Newman goes on to twist the most innocent statements into something out of context and, thus nefarious. For instance:

Quoting Nelson Mandela, [Education Secretary Arne] Duncan has also publicly referred to education as “the most powerful weapon” to “change the world.” Your kids, then, are being weaponized and brainwashed, and the man overseeing it all is bragging about it in public speeches.

In short, at this point, government schools are a lost cause.

For Christians, conservatives, libertarians, people with common sense – really for anyone who values real education rather than radical progressive and anti-Christian political indoctrination masquerading as schooling – Uncle Sam’s “schools” must be avoided like the plague.

Newman goes on to rhapsodize about homeschooling: "From much better academics and socialization to better college and employment prospects, homeschoolers literally have all of the advantages." Well, not necessarily; WND has defended many terrible homeschoolers over the years.

Newman concludes: "In short: Homeschool or die!" He makes sure not to mention that sometimes you get both.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:49 AM EST

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