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Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Newsmax Promotes Ben Carson's Propaganda
Topic: Newsmax

Jim Meyers serves up quite the cheerleading tone in a Dec. 8 Newsmax article:

A just-released documentary about the best-selling author and rising GOP star Ben Carson is getting rave reviews from conservative activists — a strong sign that the renowned neurosurgeon is seriously looking at running for the GOP presidential nomination in 2016.

The hour-long film "A Breath of Fresh Air: A New Prescription for America," airs every night this week on Newsmax TV at 9 p.m. and midnight Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.

You can tune into Newsmax TV on DIRECTV 349 and DISH Ch. 223, on, or via the free Newsmax app on any smartphone.

One thing Meyers doesn't mention: Newsmax is apparently being paid to air the Carson propaganda documentary.

A National Journal article that Meyers cites for its praise of Carson as a potential presidential candidate also notes that the documentary's producer, Armstrong Williams, insists that the documentary will never be placed online because that "would violate his paid-programming contract with the networks that aired it." That, preumably, includes Newsmax TV, which means that Newsmax is promoting something it's being paid to air.

National Journal also notes the propagandistic nature of the documentary:

In tone, A Breath of Fresh Air lies somewhere between a Church of Scientology recruitment video and a cash-for-gold infomercial. In the documentary, you'll learn about the dangers of political correctness and the "liberal orthodoxy," along with the triumphs of Ronald Reagan and Galileo. You'll also hear an almost inscrutable metaphor about American greatness and oxygen masks.

Meyers just wants you to watch Newsmax TV. He doesn't care about the quality or objectivity of its programming.

UPDATE: A Newsmax spokesperson tells ConWebWatch: "Newsmax was not paid to air the film, nor did we pay Dr. Carson anything."

Posted by Terry K. at 10:41 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 8:01 PM EST

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