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Tuesday, August 12, 2014
WND's Unruh Peddles Falsehoods About Houston Nondiscrimination Ordinance
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily's Bob Unruh has never been all that interested in using his reporting to tell the truth -- all he wants to do is push his own (and WND's) right-wing propaganda.

Unruh proves his disregard for journalism yet again in an Aug. 8 WND article that promotes a right-wing attack against a nondiscrimination ordinance in Houston. Unruh quotes only critics of the ordinance and can't be bothered to talk to any supporter of it. 

Because Unruh is a propagandist and not a reporter, he repeats several falsehoods about the ordinance and its supporters. For instance, he attacks Houston Mayor Annise Parker, claiming that "The ordinance was adopted 11-6 by the Houston City Council on the insistence of Parker, who has acknowledged it’s 'all about me.'"

We could not find the original source of Parker being quoted as saying the ordinance was "all about me." We did find, however, a similar statement that, when put into context, shows that Parker is not making the narcissistic statement Unruh portrays her as saying. From the Houston Business Journal:

"This is personal. It is not academic. It is my life that is being discussed," said Parker, the first openly gay mayor of a U.S. city. "It applies to the range of protected groups ... but the debate is about me. It is about two gay men at this table. It is very intensely personal."

That's much different than Unruh's made-up quote. But then, Unruh's not interested in facts.

Unruh also uncritically repeats right-wing claims that the ordinance shields sexual predators:

Critics dubbed the Houston law the “sexual predator protection act,” claiming that by designating transgender or gender-confused persons as a protected class, women and children are threatened by predators seeking to exploit the ordinance’s ambiguous language.

Political activist Steven F. Hotze said the ordinance would establish minority status for transvestites, allowing men who dress as women to enter women’s public bathrooms, locker rooms and shower facilities.

“I want to protect my wife, daughters and granddaughters from being exposed to the dangers of male sexual predators masquerading as women in women’s public bathrooms and other facilities,” he said. “This is why it has been called the Sexual Predators’ Protection Act.”

In fact, numerous experts have debunked this claim -- no state or city that has enacted a nondiscrimination ordinance similar to Houston's has reported problems with sexual assaults as a result of it.

Strangely, Unruh doesn't want to inform his readers about this fact. It seems he's so used to lying about transgenders that the truth is utterly foreign to him.

It's just another reason nobody believes WND.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:27 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 12:38 AM EDT

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