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Saturday, March 15, 2014
WND's Farah Goes On Anti-Science Rant Against 'Cosmos' Series
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily's Joseph Farah is not a big fan of science. He's even less of a fan of the new Neil DeGrasse Tyson-hosted "Cosmos" series. Why? He writes in his March 13 WND column:

The show includes a “Cosmic Calendar,” which asserts the scientifically unprovable notion that the history of the universe spans 13.8 billion years.

It promotes the unscientific nonsense of climate change and neo-Darwinism.

Experience more of Joseph Farah’s no-nonsense truth-telling in his books, audio and video products, featured in the WND Superstore

But, most of all, it deliberately and consciously undermines the possibility that God actually created the universe and made man in His own image, as the Bible records.

Farah then goes on a full-throated screed against science:

Here we go again!

Haven’t we heard all this before?

When will the same scientists who promote man-made catastrophic climate change and Darwinism as gospel truths be forced to apply the scientific method to their theories?

When will the public recognize that such beliefs are inherently “religious” because they start with presuppositions that can never be discredited regardless of the evidence?

When will everyone see through the fact that we now have a scientific establishment that is politically driven and government funded – a combination more dangerous than when the church was in charge?

When will the closed-minded scientific establishment that promotes this propaganda consider the possibility that they do not have a monopoly on truth – and stop blacklisting the increasing number of scientists who see design in every part of the universe?

When will Farah actually do a little investigative work and examine the scientific evidence that supports evolution and man-made climate change? 

When will Farah stop assuming that everyone who disgrees with him is not only wrong but evil?

Posted by Terry K. at 11:15 AM EDT

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