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Thursday, February 28, 2013
WND's John Rocker Is Still Playing The Victim Over Being Accurately Quoted
Topic: WorldNetDaily

It's entirely possible that one reason John Rocker is a WorldNetDaily columnist is to promote the idea that he's not really as racist as his reputation suggests. If so, he's failing miserably.

Rocker's Feb. 25 WND column goes straight into Alex Jones-style paranoia by citing Alex Jones' paranoia:

The United States government is apparently readying itself for a massive war against Middle America.

 As reported on Alex Jones’, targets with images of gun-wielding children, grandparents and pregnant mothers have been purchased by law enforcement agencies.

According to Infowars, the company Law Enforcement Targets Inc. has over $ 5.5 million dollars worth of contracts with the federal government.

Over $2 million of those contracts are with the Department of Homeland Security. 

The article also points out that the DHS has purchased billions of rounds of ammunition.

The DHS supposedly has on hand about five bullets for each man, woman and child living in the United States.

Dark times my friends, very dark times.

If Waco and Ruby Ridge tell us anything, it’s that the federal government has a history of killing non-traditional combatants like young mothers and innocent kids.

The choice seems to be clear. Adjust, or we’re prepared to eliminate you.

The government seems to have a clear understanding that to achieve the diverse America they have plotted out, most Americans need to be forcibly brainwashed.

And Rocker is still pissed that he was quoted accurately musing about how horrible it is living in New York and "having to take the [Number] 7 train to the ballpark, looking like you’re [riding through] Beirut next to some kid with purple hair next to some queer with AIDS right next to some dude who just got out of jail for the fourth time right next to some 20-year-old mom with four kids." He plays the victim for all it's worth:

After a number of statements that dared to question the merits of multicultural America were published in what amounted to a Sports Illustrated hit piece, the liberal media went into overdrive.

It seemed as if the entire polyglot city of New York (formerly of America) was ready to hang me in the center of Times Square.

Questions about how Major League Baseball could cope with such a vile and dangerous fellow among their ranks were raised.

Grand Inquisitor Bud Selig, Overlord of the Diamond, decided I needed to attend mandatory sensitivity training sessions to atone for my sins.

Fortunately, that too passed, and despite the emotional trauma it wreaked upon my family and me, and the unwarranted reputation I will forever bear, it was merely one of the first shots in what looks to be a very long war. A war the liberal media has no intention of losing with their main weapon of choice coming in the form of vitriol and castigating commentary aimed at any individual who dares stray from their self-derived brand of “correct thought.” I was one of the first victims of such a warfare tactic, but certainly have not and will not be the last. Just as the British hanged traitors in the town square as a stern warning, so too does our liberal media seek to put on a pedestal of disgrace those who dare choose to express thoughts that taste different from their brand of Kool-Aid.

Nobody likes a whiner, John -- with the possible exception of WND, which likes to hire them as columnists.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:38 PM EST

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