Topic: WorldNetDaily
Saul Alinsky, renowned commie, author of the 12 Rules for Radicals, Hillary Clinton’s mentor and hero and clearly one of the president’s guiding ideologues, would be proud of President Obama for using Rule 10 and 12 in promoting a ban on so-called assault weapons.
-- Ted Nugent, Feb. 6 WorldNetDaily column
Obama holds a shotgun as if he’s never held a gun in his life. The fingers of his support hand are curled up over the lower barrel of the over-under, where a hot barrel could burn them. The stock is hovering over his shoulder, touching him only barely. He is supposedly shooting skeet, yet firing horizontally instead of at an incline. And he is ramrod straight despite the muzzle gases escaping the barrel, as if the photo were taken in the airless, frictionless world of high school physics test questions. How is it that Obama’s shotgun has no recoil? How did he fit in a skeet session after golfing all day?
We aren’t expected to believe it. Only the “low information voters,” the largely unemployed, uninformed, hopelessly stupid Americans who returned Obama to office are expected to believe it, because they are as ignorant of firearms as is Obama.
-- Phil Elmore, Feb. 6 WND column
To read the headlines about Obama’s use of drones to kill terrorists, he is a real John Wayne. But would John Wayne worry more about the jihadists in Yemen or the ones coming across our southwest border?
-- Tom Tancredo, Feb. 8 WND column
I personally picture Barry in a smoking jacket, lounging in an overstuffed, red velvet chair, cigarette in hand, smoke circling up toward the rafters. Eric the Just is passing around a pile of white powder, heaped on the latest drone kill list. Dirty Harry brings greetings from the state legislatures and casino owners, while he sips his pocket flask of whiskey. And John the Gofer, representing we the people in our new role, bows and fetches whatever the other princes ask, constantly updating a list of the new taxes needed to pay for it all.
-- Craige McMillan, Feb. 8 WND column
The man who is president suddenly decided to release a picture, supposedly taken last August, showing him firing a long gun.
This was to reinforce his off-the-wall statement that he shoots skeet all the time at Camp David.
This was to create the image of him as someone not against people enjoying shooting at targets or hunting – only against using guns for protection.
Maybe they thought it would work for PR, since Obama’s loosed an all-out attack on the Second Amendment – but, really!
He looked so uncomfortable, the gun not well placed on his shoulder, smoke coming from two places on the gun (really? from the side of the barrel?) and the gun was parallel to the ground.
I don’t shoot skeet, but even I know the sport involves aiming up at the trajectory of the clay pigeon as it’s lofted into the air.
My opinion? The shot was phony, and only brain-wasted Obama believers take him at his word.
I could be crass and say it was a lie.
OK, I will.
-- Barbara Simpson, Feb. 10 WND column
Gun violence is not really the problem for the transformational socialist. It’s the solution.
And that’s why the Department of Homeland Security is imposing what I call de facto gun control, by buying up automatic weapons it deprives ordinary citizens and purchasing massive amounts of ammunition so there will be less resistance when putsch comes to shove. That’s when the “civilian national security force” comes marching in.
Are these the ravings of a paranoid schizophrenic conspiracy nut?
No, this is simple deduction. One plus one equals two.
Is it hopeless, irreversible? I wouldn’t be writing this column if I thought it was.
-- Joseph Farah, Feb. 10 WND column
Obama has refused to deal candidly with the question of citizenship as it arises in the constitutional provision that raises questions about his own tenure as president of the United States. So it’s more than ironic that Obama should purport to speak as an authority on the meaning of the term. However, he slyly addresses the controversy when he says that the word “citizen” “doesn’t just describe our nationality or legal status. It describes the way we’re made.” In fact, “nature” is the word that refers to the way we are made, not “citizen.” Citizenship is ordinarily an artifact of human law. But according to the Declaration of Independence, the document that declares “what we believe” as Americans, not human law but “the laws of nature and of nature’s God” prescribe the way that we are made. Our rights, therefore, do not arise merely from “obligations to one another and to future generations” but from our obligation to the Creator, whose will has determined the right ordering of our natural and reciprocal human relationships. Nor are our rights simply “wrapped up in the rights of others.” They derive from the debt that, in our very being, we owe to God, who is the transcendent source of the law that supersedes the artifacts of human will.
Contrary to Obama’s vainglorious description of citizenship, our country only works when we acknowledge this debt to God and act accordingly.
-- Alan Keyes, Feb. 14 WND column
It is ironic indeed that just as one socialist dictator, Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, is about to expire of terminal cancer on his deathbed in a Cuban hospital, another one, who is much more powerful, is seeking to extend his control in a Stalinist “gulag style” power grab. Unlike Chavez and his also-dying buddy, Cuban communist strongman Fidel Castro, our fraudulently elected ineligible president is not just some two-bit dictator-terrorist of a Third World country; he is the so-called leader of the free world – an oxymoron if there ever was one since the “mullah in chief’s” apparent plans are to eliminate individual freedoms and instead install a “Big Brother” regime domestically and worldwide through his comrades at the United Nations and their Agenda 21.
-- Larry Klayman, Feb. 15 WND column
I write this column with a certain amount of trepidation, knowing the subject not only believes he has the power to order targeted assassinations of American citizens, but has actually already misused that perceived authority.
So here goes.
I have come to the conclusion that nearly everything Barack Obama does under the color of his authority as president is designed to weaken our country economically, militarily and morally.
I don’t think I could ever make that statement about any of his predecessors – and there have been some real bad ones.
-- Joseph Farah, Feb. 15 WND column