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Thursday, January 24, 2013
WND's New Reporter Already Picking Up Obama-Hating Habits
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Taylor Rose is new to WorldNetDaily, but he's already picking up the Obama-hate that is so endemic there. Rose begins a Jan. 22 WND article this way:

Barack Obama probably is one of the most abortion-minded politicians Washington ever has seen, and under his watch pro-lifers have been hounded by the Department of Justice, Planned Parenthood tax funding has rocketed to $540 million and coming health care laws are going to force business leaders of faith to pay for abortifacients in violation of their religious rights.

Rose makes no effort to back up any of this, and his implication that federal money to Planned Parenthood is used for abortion is a lie.

Also note that Rose does not identify Obama as the president of the United States, which makes one wonder if he even recognizes Obama's election.

Rose is also picking up bad habits from his WND stablemate Bob Unruh by  focusing only on anti-abortion activists and refusing to let any pro-choice activists respond.

Speaking of Unruh, he uses a Jan. 22 WND article to give a platform to right-wing activist Mathew Staver to spew that Obama is forcing Americans to fund "'a Hitler-kind of killing machine' through the hundreds of millions of federal taxpayer dollars given to Planned Parenthood." Like Rose, Unruh can't be bothered to explain that federal money to Planned Parenthood doesn't pay for abortion.

Rose is definitely learning the ways of WND. Unfortunately, they have nothing to do with responsible journalism.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:30 PM EST

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