Topic: NewsBusters
The Media Research Center's tin ear for misogyny rears its ugly head again in a Jan. 7 NewsBusters post by Tom Blumer, in which he touted a columnist who "made several quite valid points in comparing the media firestorm over Rush Limbaugh's comments about Sarah [sic] Fluke to the virtual silence over Des Moines Register columnist Donald Kaul, who, if he were in charge, 'would tie Mitch McConnell and John Boehner ... to the back of a Chevy pickup truck and drag them around a parking lot until they saw the light on gun control.'"
Blumer complained that "a search at the Associated Press's national web site on Kaul's last name comes up empty," apparently unable to comprehend the difference between a local newspaper columnist and a nationally syndicated radio host. Blumer then set about to minimize what Limbaugh did:
And I should empahasize that what Limbaugh said cannot be credibly construed as "hate speech." Sandra Fluke defined what she is for us in her own "testimony" at a bogus, non-official "hearing"; Limbaugh merely summarized it one questionably appropriate word.
Uh, no. Limbaugh launched 46 separate personal attacks against Fluke during a three-day misogynistic tirade, and he apologized for only two of them, "slut" and "prostitute."
Blumer joins numerous other MRC employees, led by Brent Bozell, in playing defense for Limbaugh or even endorsing his misogyny.