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Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Supersize WorldNetDaily Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

My friend, Don Melquist, otherwise known as the Pride of Green Valley, Ariz., recently pointed out to me what a huge role bossy black women have played in Obama’s life. The ladies include Oprah Winfrey, Susan Rice, Whoopi Goldberg, Valerie Jarrett and Michelle Obama. But, it occurred to me that he has also surrounded himself with bossy Jewish men, such as Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod and George Soros, and assorted bossy ne’er-do-wells, such as Bill Ayers, Frank Marshall Davis and Jeremiah Wright. Whoever it was who first observed that when you lie down with dogs, you’re very likely to get up with fleas, must have had someone very much like Obama in mind.

-- Burt Prelutsky, Dec. 25 WorldNetDaily column

Much has been said and written about Barack Obama’s self-absorption.

I don’t think it would be an exaggeration to offer up an amateur diagnosis of narcissism in his case.

Everything is about him.

Bill Clinton suffers a similar, lifelong chronic case of egomania and self-centeredness.

But to listen to Barack Obama drone on and on about himself at the funeral of Sen. Daniel K. Inouye was almost embarrassing to the point of pity.

Like many people in the age range of Barack Obama and me, Inouye, the late senator from Hawaii, first came to our attention during the Watergate hearings. And, again, for people like Obama, it’s all about him – even at someone else’s funeral.

In his 1,600-word speech, Obama used the word “my” 21 times, “me” 12 times and “I” an incredible 30 times.

-- Joseph Farah, Dec. 26 WorldNetDaily column

Obama is certainly aware that perhaps a majority of self-respecting black people would normally avoid association with the rappers, pop tarts and pimps with limps with whom he fraternizes. So who better to legitimize them – and shepherd black Americans through the gates of hell – than someone of high station who at least passes for a black American?

-- Erik Rush, Dec. 26 WND column

Since the 2008 election of Barack Obama, I have talked with countless white people at speaking events around the country and on my radio show who have fractured relationships with black friends because any criticism of this president by a white person is deemed to be rooted in prejudice. Whites are confounded by the anger of blacks over honest policy disagreements and observations about Obama. It’s so bad that most whites have shut down or walk on eggshells when issues of race come up.

-- Jesse Lee Peterson, Dec. 26 WND column

Some of us sigh over the embrace of evil and the smear campaigns against goodness. What do we do when “right” did not win in November, but we are stuck with a greatly compromised leader of the free world? He’s not a straight-shooter, but a man who lacks character, who collaborates with baby-and-man-hating feminists, sexual deviates, Marxists, jihadists – radicals whose legacy has never been anything but heartbreak, tears, financial ruin, even death.

It’s true that God may have a plan. That plan looks like it’s going to include an ample dose of tough love judgments for America, some delivered through Barack Obama’s foolishness and wickedness, and yet we must trust the Lord and still bear it.

-- Linda Harvey, Dec. 26 WND column

Barack Hussein Obama, whom Time magazine has labeled the “Architect of a New America,” has been known as America’s most biblically hostile president. He has placed himself above We the People time and time again, as if to say we derive our rights from Obama instead of God.

Obama has personally attacked biblical values, the bedrock of our republic, over 50 times since he took office.

Day by day, Obama’s tyrannical measures are beginning to take shape. And what should America expect from one who is at war with God?

-- Bradlee Dean, Dec. 27 WND column

Obama is like a nasty, vengeful creature from Bizarro’s World, the cube-shaped fictional planet in the DC Comics universe. He could be “Bizar-Ro-Bama,” an effeminate villain who engages in double-speak, lies and misdirection.

-- Mychal Massie, Dec. 31 WND column

And scarier still is the tenuous status of Jews in America. It’s hard not to draw parallels to persecuted Jews in once-friendly nations and their subsequent persecution, expulsion and slaughter. To think that Poland was once the Israel of Europe. Millions of Jews made Poland their home and had a long history there of over a thousand years. And in three short years … complete annihilation.

German Jews, meanwhile, were so very vested in the motherland they considered themselves Germans before Jews. They were war heroes for Germany in World War I.

How long do Jews have in Obama’s America? How long before we can’t walk down the street with a kippah or a Star of David? This is already reality for Belgium Jews, Swedish Jews and French Jews. Large portions of Norway are already Judenrein.

-- Pamela Geller, Jan. 1 WND column

In recent months, there were two presidential elections of historical importance. In Egypt, they had their first ever democratic election for president. It was won by Mohammed Morsi over Ahmed Shafiq.

Here in the United States, we had our 55th presidential election, and re-elected a man who had inherited a bad economy and made it worse; insulted our friends and coddled our enemies; and spent most of his time golfing, throwing parties and taking vacations. As if that weren’t bad enough, he compounds his sins by insulting Republican congressmen for no better reason than that they’re Republicans and refuse to rubber stamp his fiats.


For me, as frightening as it is to realize that a slim majority, but a majority nonetheless, of the American electorate would vote for a schmuck like Obama, I can at least make sense of it. After all, between those who voted for him because they share his pigmentation, those whose votes were bought and paid for with our tax dollars and those who thought they were voting for Osama bin Laden, it figures he could eke out a victory. But how do you make sense of the nearly 2 million people who didn’t vote for either him or Romney.

-- Burt Prelutsky, Jan. 1 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 9:52 PM EST

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