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Friday, October 26, 2012
WND's Obama Nose-Job 'Secret' Just More Baseless Speculation
Topic: WorldNetDaily

This appears to be Jerome Corsi and Joel Gilbert's big October surprise: Barack Obama had a nose job.

No, really:

It’s becoming increasingly clear, just days before Barack Obama’s bid for re-election, that America still doesn’t know much about the man who has lived in the White House for the last four years.

In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s challenge to Obama to release his college and passport records in exchange for a $5 million donation to Obama’s charities, here’s another secret from Obama’s life of mystery and make-believe.

Filmmaker Joel Gilbert contends President Obama has altered his facial profile for the national stage of American politics, citing two nationally known cosmetic surgery experts he consulted who concluded Obama had a “nose job.”

In other words, it's not a "secret" -- Gilbert is just wildly speculating, just like he did in his discredited film "Dreams From My Real Father."

Gilbert, if you'll recall, is the guy who used the same method of scouring blurry, blown-up photo to determine that a ring Obama wears says "There is no god except Allah" -- a claim that even birthers were moved to discredit.

When Corsi continues to trust so demonstrably untrustworthy, it makes WND untrustworthy as well. Joseph Farah still hasn't realized that.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:20 AM EDT

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