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Sunday, October 7, 2012
WND's Flaherty Drags Obama Into His Race-Baiting
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Colin Flaherty tries to drag President Obama in to his race-baiting rhetoric in an Oct. 3 WorldNetDaily column:

And now for a few words from our commander in chief:

“And most of the ministers here know that those riots didn’t erupt overnight; there had been a ‘quiet riot’ building up in Los Angeles and across this country for years.

“If you had gone to any street corner in Chicago or Baton Rouge or Hampton – you would have found the same young men and women without hope, without miracles and without a sense of destiny other than life on the edge – the edge of the law, the edge of the economy, the edge of family structures and communities.”

Thank you, Mr. President.

You may recognize these words as part of the newly re-discovered video of a speech Barack Obama made to black ministers in 2007. They sure answer a lot of questions.


But President Obama is one of the few to look racial violence right in the eye and tell us what it is all about, without flinching: Blacks are angry because racist white people are holding them back.

Way to put words in Obama's mouth there, eh, Colin? Obama said nothing about "racist white people" -- in fact, Obama specifically said he did not "excuse the violence of bashing in a man’s head or destroying someone’s store and their life’s work. That kind of violence is inexcusable and self-defeating."

Funny that Flaherty didn't tell his readers about that.That would have contradicted his message that all black people are violent thugs, and Flaherty can't have that.

Indeed, Flaherty quickly pivots to keeping up his black-people-are-scary obsession, purporting to repeat tweets from "black people promising violence if the election does not turn out they way they want it." He concluded: "No matter if you want to explain it, or justify it, or prepare for it, promises of even more racial violence are good to know."

Flaherty, for his part, is promising to keep up his WND-endorsed race-baiting. That's good to know too.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:49 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:55 PM EDT

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