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Thursday, September 6, 2012
WND's Hypocritical Concern Over Nazi Name-Calling
Topic: WorldNetDaily

On Wednesday, WorldNetDaily promoted on its front page a (stolen) article from another news source under the headline "Dem compares GOP guv to Hitler's mistress."

WND's sudden concern over Nazi insults is rather laughable -- after all, WND publishes them on a regular basis when the target is a Democrat in general or President Obama is particular:
  • WND called the Clinton administration's "third way" political strategy "the original brainchild of Adolph Hitler," likened Monica Lewinsky to Hitler's mistriess, likened Bill Clinton to Joseph Goebbels, liken AmeriCorps to the Hitler Youth, and likened Al Gore to Hitler.
  • WND not only regularly smeared Obama as Nazi-esque, it defended the idea of doing so because ""The cult of personality and hysteria for a charismatic orator are frightening parallels between Obama and Hitler."
  • WND's champion of Nazi smears was the late Hilmar von Campe, unsurprisingly a former Hitler Youth who purportedly repented of his Nazi ways. Yet he embraced Nazi-esque "Big Lie"  techniques to liken Obama to Hitler.
  • WND has even smeared supporters of public education as Nazis.

WND has much more experience smearing people as Nazis. Are they upset that others are crowding in on turf it claims for itself?

Posted by Terry K. at 12:15 AM EDT

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