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Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Chutzpah: WND's Liars Accuse Others of Lies
Topic: WorldNetDaily

It takes more than a little chutzpah for documented liars to complain about the lies that others are allegedly telling.

The latest edition of WorldNetDaily's Whistleblower magazine has the theme “DISINFORMATION AGE: How America’s news media have become ‘useful idiots’ for Marxists, sociopaths and tyrants.” Among the articles in it is one called "The lie launderers" by WND managing editor David Kupelian, which claims to be "an in-depth and eye-opening report documenting why and how spreading disinformation has become business as usual for America’s elite media."

Kupelian could have started his research a little closer to home -- specifically, down the hall at WND headquarters to the office of his boss, Joseph Farah, who has no apparenly moral qualms about telling lie after lie after lie to his readers.

Meanwhile, Mychal Massie began his Sept. 3 WND column by asking, "Does Obama really have such disrespect for the people of America that he believes he can just say anything at all and people will believe it?" Massie would do much better asking that same question of himself. LIke Farah, Massie also spews lie after lie, in the apparent belief that his obsessive hatred of Obama justifies the lies.

Are Kupelian and Massie really that blind and self-unaware, or are they simply craven deceivers who have sold their souls in a desperate bid to destroy Obama? We report, you decide.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:15 AM EDT

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