Topic: WorldNetDaily
A few years back, Mychal Massie used his WorldNetDaily column to accuse Sen. Harry Reid of sounding like "His Uncle Bull Connors [sic] and his Uncle Orval Faubus" for committing the offense of criticizing Clarence Thomas. So it's sadly funny to see that the person who has come to truly emulate the likes of Connor and Faubus is Massie himself.
In his May 7 column, Massie bizarrely refers to Jehmu Greene -- who recently got into trouble for calling Tucker Carlson a "bow-tying white boy" -- as a "Negress." That, of course, is an archaic term dating from the era of segregation. In other words, the kind of word a Connors or a Faubus would use.
Massie seems to delight in this sort of thing -- saying things that would be considered screechingly racist if he were not black. For instance, there's Massie's obsession with labeling Michelle Obama as "Buttzilla." If a white man did that, he would be hounded out of the public square. But Massie does it with impunity, and WND continues to publish his increasingly hateful and bitter column.
But WND loves hate and bitterness when it's directed at the Obama, and Massie delivers that in spades.
WND doesn't care that Massie is using historically racist imagery to denigrate people. And, apparently, neither does Massie.