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Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Depraved Liar Mychal Massie Calls Obama A Depraved Liar
Topic: WorldNetDaily

It's time for our weekly dose of Obama Derangement Sydrome from WorldNetDaily's Mychal Massie, this time under the headline "More evidence Obama's a depraved liar." And indeed, Massie calls Obama a "depraved liar" in his column.

If Massie really wants to see a depraved liar in the flesh, all he needs to do is look in the mirror.

He has repeated the discredited lie that Michelle Obama went on a lingerie-shopping spree, as well as other falsehoods about the woman he spitefully calls "Buttzilla." He has embraced the non-existent Michelle Obama "whitey" tape. He lied about Obama not sending FEMA trailers for tornado victims. He has repeated discredited claims made by Arkansas state troopers about Bill Clinton.

Depraved? What else could someone who likened Obama's parents to snakes and Obama himself to Caligula -- and wants Obama to die like Osama bin Laden -- possibly be?

Posted by Terry K. at 5:06 PM EDT

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