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Thursday, April 19, 2012
WND's Massie: If Obama Had A Son, He'd Look Like A Murderous Thug
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Mychal Massie headlined his April 16 WorldNetDaily column "If Obama had son, he'd look like Shawn Tyson." Massie helpfully informs us who Tyson is:

Obama and his Justice Department were silent when 25-year-old James Cooper and 24-year-old James Kouzaris were brutally murdered by 17-year-old Shawn Tyson, a black thug, as they begged for their lives. They were white tourists who had been out drinking and stumbled into Tyson’s Sarasota, Fla., neighborhood. Tyson’s plan was to rob them, but finding they had no money, he murdered them.

Referencing Martin, Obama said: “You know, if I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.” I think it bears noting that if Obama had a son, he would also look like the boys who set Allen Coon on fire and Shawn Tyson. Don’t their families and the American people – whom Obama took an oath to represent – deserve the same concern he shows for black hoodlums?

In other word: Massie is saying that Obama's son would look like a murderous thug.

Massie doesn't mention that, by his theory, his own son would look like a murderous thug too.

Of course, Massie is no stranger to such outbreaks of Obama derangement.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:10 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, April 19, 2012 2:11 PM EDT

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