MRC Still Bashing 'GCB," Still Won't Publish List of Purported Offenses Topic: Media Research Center
The Media Research Center's Lauren Thompson has another weekly installment of attacking the show "GCB" for its purported "Christian hate-mongering." Thompson's list of "anti-Christian" offenses is now up to 137.
As she has throughout her crusade, Thompson refuses to publish the full list of offenses.
WND's Farah Still Sliming Sandra Fluke Topic: WorldNetDaily
Joseph Farah is not done with trying to slut-shame Sandra Fluke.
In his April 2 column, Farah delcared that Rush Limbaugh offered "a true characterization of the ridiculous Sandra Fluke." This echoes Farah's previous praise of Limbaugh for applying to "avowed fornicator" Fluke the "slut" smear of "which she is, according to the dictionary definition."
This is all because Fluke spoke publicly about birth control. Does Farah have issues with women?
Fluff-Fest: Kessler Fawns Over Romney, ACU Topic: Newsmax
Newsmax iseversoslowly resigning itself to the inevitability of Mitt Romney being the Republican presidential nominee. Another sign: It's letting Ronald Kessler engage in a little more Romney-fluffing.
In his April 2 column, Kessler hauls out American Conservative Union's Al Cardenas to call for Romney's rivals to suspend their campaigns. Romney lets Cardenas respond to accusations of Romney's flip-flopping and claim that "Romney’s character is flawless."
Kessler also fluffs the ACU, proclaiming it "preeminent organization representing the full spectrum of conservative thought" and its congressional ratings "the gold standard for assessing members’ ideology." Cardenas gets fluffed too when Kessler irrelevently recounts how "Cardenas and his family fled Fidel Castro’s Cuba with only the clothes on their back." Just consider that payback for when the ACU, under the leadership of Cardenas' predecessor David Keene, gave Kessler its "Robert Novak Journalist of the Year Award" in 2010.
NEW ARTICLE: Joseph Farah's Thin Skin, Part 2 Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily's editor further demonstrates his utter inability to handle criticism without hurling petulant insults. Count the falsehoods among the invective! Read more >>
MRC's Gainor Thinks Woman Was 'Slimed' By the Truth Topic: Media Research Center
Dan Gainor headlined his April 2 MRC Business & Media Institute article, "ABC’s Avila Slimes Mother Whose Son Died from E Coli." And how did Avila purportedly "slime" this woman? By telling the truth.
Gainor has been been attacking ABC for reporting on the use of "pink slime" -- beef scraps treated with ammonia -- used as filler in meat products, while trying to put the best possible face on the use of this stuff. What has Gainor's panties in a bunch this time is that ABC reporter Jim Avila shifted his focus to Nancy Donley, founder of a group called STOP Foodborne Illness, whom Gainor depicts as "a mother whose 6-year-old son died from E coli." Donley's group hascome to the defense of BPI, the company that makes "pink slime."
What did Avila do that so offended Gainor? He pointed out that Donley's organization is funded in part by BPI. That's it.
Yet, Gainor insists on portaying Donley as the victim:
Donley said she is "very grateful" for the support from BPI and other companies.
"BPI has never asked for a single thing, ever. We will never be compromised in our position of protecting consumers from pathogens in the food supply. My goal is to put my organization out of business so there are no foodborne victims any more.
The funny thing is, Gainor engages in this same sort of "sliming" all the time. Gainor has repeatedly attacked certain news organizations for taking money from George Soros-linked groups (despite the fact that the money Gainor cites as being donated by Soros over a decade is much less than what one right-wing billionaire spends to keep one conservative newspaper in business for one year).
What's the difference between that -- for which Gainor established no quid pro quo -- and Donley's group being funded by a company she's now defending? None, really, except the apparent quid pro quo is much more obvious with Donley's group. Gainor's double standard couldn't be more blatant.
Gainor is just upset that facts were reported. Sad, isn't it?
WND Columnist Rants Against Science Topic: WorldNetDaily
As demonstrated by its anti-college magazine issue, WorldNetDaily isn't all that big on book-learnin' (all the better to keep its readers ignorant enough to believe birther conspiracies, one must presume). WND takes that anti-intellectualism to the next level with a black-is-white approach so bizarre that it portrays people who believe in science as anti-science.
In a March 31 column, Tom Flannery rants that there is a "left-wing war on science" taking place, citing as his first exhibit ... evolution.
There is the leftist pseudo-science of evolution and a universe which was the product of a massive unsupervised explosion – yet, ironically it would seem, somehow produced a whole world filled with beauty, order and complexity. When was the last time any explosion, even a controlled one, did that?
For the longest time, they told us there never was a creation event as described in Genesis 1:1, because the universe always existed. Furthermore, they insisted that the universe was the result of this unguided explosion and other random events, which occurred entirely by chance. Then it was conclusively proven that the universe did have a beginning and that there are at least dozens of equations governing the universe which, if any single one of them were altered in the slightest, would make Earth uninhabitable.
So it turned out that the opening declaration of Genesis, “In the beginning …” was an accurate scientific statement after all. Not only that, but the characteristics of our intelligently designed universe revealed the awesome handiwork of an infinite mind (as opposed to the complete chaos we should find in the aftermath of random events arising by pure chance). That means the second part of this verse is true as well: “God created the heavens and the earth.”
As far as evolution is concerned, the fossil record has been a bust, the transitional fossils Darwin’s theory demanded have never been found and the “simple cell” Darwin described – before man had the ability to actually look inside the cell – turned out to be complex beyond anything he could have ever comprehended or imagined.
Never mind, of course, that evolution has been copiously documented by science, or that evolution is not necessarily linked to the creation of the universe, or that it's entirely logical to believe in both God and evolution.
Nevertheless, Flannery continues:
Then there is the leftist pseudo-science of embryonic stem cell research. In their never-ending mission to destroy human life, liberals have demanded the destruction of human embryos for research purposes, predicting that this research would lead to cures for myriad diseases. To this day, they continue to willfully distort the truth by lumping all questions surrounding the topic under the singular heading of “stem cell research,” when they know quite well that there are two separate issues at stake here. The first is adult stem cell research, which is fully supported by pro-life advocates and other conservatives because it does not require the destruction of life and has been shown to have significant medical benefits, and the other is embryonic stem cell research, which the controversy is all about since it does destroy life and has shown zero potential for medical use.
Flannery ignores the fact that adult stem cell research has been going on a lot longer than embryonic stem cell research. It's disingenuous for Flannery to claim that embryonic research "has shown zero potential for medical use" because research is ongoing. That's why you do research, dude.
Flannery goes on to rant about "the leftist pseudo-science of global warming," "the leftist pseudo-science of abortion" and "the leftist pseudo-science of birth control and green energy."
Flannery appears not to understand what the word "pseudo-science" means. Just because you are opposed to scientific claims for political reasons -- and that's the ultimate gist of Flannery's ignorant rant -- does not mean that the documented science behind it does not exist.
Flannery's WND bio states that he "has won two $10,000 awards for opinion writing." Perhaps those organizations that gave him those awards should demand their money back in the wake of this stunningly ignorant tirade.
NewsBusters Calls Spike Lee's Apology 'Self-Serving' -- But Not Limbaugh's Topic: NewsBusters
In a March 31 NewsBusters post, Ken Shepherd chastises the Washington Post's Erik Wemple for approving of Spike Lee's apology to a Florida couple whose address he mistakenly tweeted as that of George Zimmerman, the man who shot and killed Trayvon Martin. Shepherd griped that "Lee has NOT apologized to Zimmerman or the Zimmerman family," adding: "Isn't Lee's apology simply self-serving as it was extended to a party he never intended to harm in the first place?"
Shepherd, by the way, is an employee of the Media Research Center, where his co-workers saw nothing offensive in Rush Limbaugh spending three days denigrating Sandra Fluke and whose boss, Brent Bozell, declared Limbaugh's so-called apology -- buried on the weekend, limited to his use of two words and ignoring the dozens of other denigrating insults he hurled at her, and made in the face of a growing advertiser boycott -- to be perfectly adequate, despite the fact that it was the very definition of self-serving.
If Shepherd didn't think Limbaugh's so-called apology was self-serving, why, would he apply that descrption to Lee, who has done much more to atone for his wrongdoing -- like calling the couple personally and paying them a monetary settlement -- than Limbaugh has?
Aaron Klein Anonymous Source Watch Topic: WorldNetDaily
What's been happening lately with Aaron Klein's excessive use of anonymous, unverifiable sources to make dubious claims? Let's take a look.
A Feb. 24 article claimed that "NATO countries are strongly considering the possibility of an international deployment to Syria if the Syrian opposition does not make major advances in the next few weeks," citing "informed Middle Eastern diplomatic and security officials." Klein did not explain how these "officials" were "informed," making that modifier essentially meaningless.
A March 4 article claimed that "Turkey has been arming al-Qaida organizations as part of its aid to opposition targeting the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad," citing "Egyptian security officials." As we've detailed, Klein was unusually friendly with the corrupt Mubarak regime, so much so that his reporting last year was aimed at keeping Mubarak in power and bashing the popular uprising against him.
A March 11 article claimed that "Iran has been pressing jihadist groups in Gaza to continue firing rockets into Israel," again citing "Egyptian security officials."
A March 15 article claimed that "An internal Hamas investigation has found that Iran is paying off Hamas members to form independent militias to do Tehran’s bidding against Israel," citing "sources in Hamas." Klein has long been hostile to Hamas, so there's no reason any Hamas "source" would dare trust him.
A March 26 article claimed that "The U.S., Turkey and NATO have held high level military meetings the past few days to discuss options regarding Syria, including the possibility of a military campaign targeting the regime of President Bashar al-Assad," citing only "informed Middle Eastern security officials."
A March 31 article claimed that "President Obama has been engaged in secret, back-channel talks with Iran in which he informed Tehran’s leaders he is completely opposed to any Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities," citing only "informed Middle Eastern officials." Again, no explanation was offered regarding how these officials were "informed."
NewsBusters Finds 'Liberal Bias' In A Peeps Diorama Topic: NewsBusters
How much is the Media Research Center obsessed with The Washington Post? NewsBusters is even scouring the Post's contest entries for signs of "liberal bias."
IN a March 28 NewsBusters post, Ken Shepherd takes offense to an Occupy-themed display won the top prize in the Post's annual Peeps diorama contest:
Just when you thought Occupy D.C. was dead and gone and, with it, the Washington Post's gauzy coverage, the paper has resurrected it's puffery of the leftist movement just in time for Easter.
This time, the Post fondly remembered the left-wing squatters' camp by awarding its sixth annual Easter Peeps Diorama Contest to Cori E. Wright of Falls Church, Va., for her "OccuPeep D.C." display. Wright, a decorative painter who works for the Architect of the Capitol told the Post that she "[doesn't] necessarily agree with the occupiers, but I agree with the right to occupy." [see photo of diorama below page break]
"I didn’t want to be disrespectful. I didn’t want to fill the signs with puns. I wanted to make sure it wasn’t one-sided," Wright noted.
"In the Post newsroom, her sincerity and objectivity reigned," Post staffer Katherine Boyle gushed.
Shepherd didn't mention the fact that the Occupy diorama really is balanced, down to the depiction of rats, which the Post described as its "favorite accessory":
Shepherd also seems to have ignored the possibility that the Occupy diorama was. you know, the best entry and deserved the reward.
But that would have required Shepherd to be fair and objective, and the MRC isn't paying him to do that.
WND's Movie Reviewer: Obama Is An Evil Fairy-Tale Queen Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily's Drew Zahn uses his March 31 review of the film "Mirror Mirror," a takeoff of the Snow White story, to slap together some Obama-bashing by likening the film's "evil queen" to President Obama:
The queen has lived in isolation from the people for years (Columbia, Harvard, the White House, vacationing in Hawaii and Paris – if you catch my hint) and slowly finds herself in charge of a financially crumbling kingdom (the U.S. isn’t a kingdom, but the parallel is still there, yes?).
Her answer to this dilemma? She’s going to spend lavishly in a scheme to fix her country’s financial fortunes (stimulus package!).
“But, my queen,” her advisor explains, “you’re broke.”
Her answer? “Then go collect more taxes!”
Sounds quite a bit like the plan proposed by Obama – spend the nation into oblivion, then raise taxes to pay for it.
Later, the local magistrate balks at surrendering the people’s money to the queen’s czar, I mean, assistant. But tax day just so happens to arrive right after the kingdom is devastated by news of Snow White’s death.
“Are you seriously going to argue about money,” the queen’s assistant asks, “on this day of grieving?”
No sooner were the words out of the assistant’s lips, than my wife and I turned to one another in the theater and said in near unison, “No, because you should never let a crisis go to waste.”
Of course, the words we quoted weren’t actually spoken in “Mirror Mirror,” but by Obama’s former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.
Later in the film, Snow White learns the bandits have stolen what the thieves call “the queen’s gold,” but what is really the collected tax money.
“Did you break into the queen’s palace to steal it?” she asks.
“No, we got it outside the village,” she’s told.
“So you stole the people’s gold,” she responds.
Wait! Wait! You mean tax money is actually the people’s money? Hmm … sounds like “Evil Queen Obama” could learn a few things by looking in the “Mirror.”
Zahn has a bad habit of injecting WND's far-right agenda into his reviews. For instance, he didn't like the animated film "Tangled" because it teaches that children can think for themselves, and he used his review of a Transformers" film to opine that Obama is a Decepticon.
CNS Is STILL Falsely Framing Planned Parenthood's Federal Funding Topic:
We've longdetailed how falsely suggests that federal funding for Planned Parenthood pays for abortions. Thomas Cloud does this yet again in a March 30 CNS article:
According to its latest annual report, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) received $487.4 million in tax dollars over a twelve-month period and performed 329,455 abortions.
In fact, those two numbers have nothing to do with each other. The federal money Planned Parenthood receives cannot and does not pay for abortion services.
WND Loves Foreign, State-Controlled Media Reporting On Birther Claims Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily's Chelsea Schilling -- she of the long history of factually deficient reporting -- has apparently decided to fully embrace her love of state-controlled and/or obscure foreign media that latch onto WND's birther obsession.
A March 29 article by Schilling touts how "Media from former communist nations are once again breaking through the veil of silence surrounding President Obama’s eligibility for office – even when the U.S. media refuse to investigate what is being called the 'largest scandal in American history.'" Of course, the outlet calling it that is Pravda, the former propaganda mouthpiece for the Soviet Union, so it's not exactly what one could call reliable.
Schilling adds the state-controlled Voice of Russia item she reported on previously, as well as "Neviditelný pes (The Invisible Dog), a popular news website from Prague." Schilling offers no evidence that this website is credible, let alone "popular."
Indeed, Schilling offers no reason why any of these organizations should be treated as credible. They're certainly no more so than WND, which is so motivated by Obama-hate that it refuses to acknowledge the existence of John Woodman, who has written a book debunking birther claims.
If anything, if these outlets are simply regurgitating WND's birther conspiracies, they're no more trustworthy than WND, which has repeatedly lied in order to push its anti-Obama birther agenda.
WND is also turning to second-rate rock stars to push its birther agenda as well. Another March 29 WND article highlights how "Megadeth singer and guitarist Dave Mustaine believes Barack Obama was born somewhere outside the United States."
Do WND really have much of a case on the birther stuff when the only supporters they can dredge up are Soviet-linked websites and washed-up rock singers?
UPDATE: WND also loves foreigners who opine in approved ways on birtherism. A March 28 article details how Lord Monckton bot "a first-hand look at evidence collected by Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his investigative team" and said "he is convinced that the document presented by the White House as Barack Obama’s birth certificate is fraudulent."
We've previously noted how Monckton has presented himself as an anti-global warming expert despite having no scientific credentials.
MRC's Graham Tries Guilt-By-Association to Attack NPR Topic: NewsBusters
Tim Graham tries a bit of guilt-by-association against NPR in a March 25 NewsBusters post, claiming that "This American Life" -- which Graham calls a "trendy public-radio show" that "airs on many NPR stations" -- which recently retracted a episode about a factory in China that produces Apple products for inaccuracies, "caused a black eye for NPR (by their one-degree association)."
Graham offers no evidence that NPR was harmed by the "This American Life" controversy -- perhaps because, despite Graham's insistence, there is no "one-degree association" between them.
"This American Life" is produced by Chicago Public Media and distributed by Public Radio International. both of these entities are completely separate from NPR. Also, there are no "NPR stations" per se. NPR operates no radio stations; rather, NPR provides news and other programming to independently owned public radio stations. While many public radio stations air NPR programming, to call them "NPR stations" as Graham does is something of a misnomer since they also run programming from PRI and other sources.
This is just lazy writing that permits Graham to make a lazy smear.
WND Devotes Issue of Magazine to Bashing College Education Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily is not big on book-learning, it appears.
As a March 30 WND article describes, the April issue of WND's Whistleblower magazine has the theme of "The College Illusion," dedicated to denigrating the value of a college education. Why? Because your child might be exposed to non-conservative ideas and the possibility of sex (also, Obama is to blame as well, somehow):
Even as Barack Obama attempts to buy off the youth vote by promising ever more government student loans and promoting college as a virtual civil right for the masses, a new reality is taking hold: For many, college is not the smartest thing to pursue after high school.
Obviously, to go into medicine, law, engineering or similar fields requiring standardized formal training and professional certification, higher education is still a must. But the idea, unquestioned for generations, that college is the ideal destination for all high-school graduates – that even those who have no particular interests or career focus should just go to college anyway, take courses, meet people, enjoy the wild social life, and try to obtain some sort of four-year degree while racking up crushing debt – is increasingly being questioned … and rejected.
Then there is the jarring reality that the vast majority of professors lean left – many far left. This is no trivial matter, and predictably results in the ongoing indoctrination – some call it brainwashing – of millions of students every year. Indeed, the leftwing, secular-socialist orientation of the modern university has played a gigantic role in the steady transformation of the American mind.
“When young people’s values and common sense are hammered and manipulated for four or more years by authority figures bent on propagating a leftist worldview,” says Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian, “many students emerge from college profoundly changed – for the worse.”
Alongside the far-left politics is an almost surreal level of in-your-face sexual anarchy – often openly and officially celebrated on campus. And the flipside of such a hyper-sexualized and “tolerant” campus culture is an extreme intolerance toward traditional Judeo-Christian moral and religious values and the students that hold them.
Remember, WND is a huge promoter of homeschooling -- it seems to be a requirement to work there -- and Joseph Farah and Co. are not interested in anything that will undo the indoctrination they've performed on their own children. They apparently don't want anyone else's children to get a fully rounded education, either.
Is The MRC Really Harrassing Comcast Board Members At Home? Topic: NewsBusters
An unbylined March 29 NewsBusters post finds the most newsworthy aspect of a recent Ed Schultz radio segment to be that he kinda-sorta portrayed Media Research Center chief Brent Bozell as a "pig" for leading a campaign to get him fired from MSNBC, taking this as evidence that "we're getting to him it seems."
Unremarked upon, meanwhile, was another thing Schultz said: "[Bozell] wants Phil Griffin fired. I mean, Comcast, they're calling Comcast board members at home. That's the rumor that I'm hearing. I haven't confirmed it but that's what I'm hearing."
Is that true? Seems a bit stalker-y if it is. Then again, given MRC official Tim Graham's seeming acquiescence to beligerent and distasteful tactics as long as the goal is worthy enough, this might actually be happening.
The MRC might want to explain exactly what it's doing to force Comcast, which now owns the majority of NBC, to fire Schultz and Al Sharpton.